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Insights from a Renowned Marine Biologist

Insights from a Renowned Marine Biologist


Extreme athlete Ross Edgley goes head to head with four giants of the shark world, encountering an endangered great hammerhead shark and a 14.7-foot queen shark in the Bahamas. (National Geographic/Natalie Miles)

Known for his record-breaking 1,100-mile assisted underwater swim, ultra-athlete and shark advocate Ross Edgley faces off in thrilling showdowns with four of the ocean's most formidable predators in the upcoming film, Shark vs. Ross Edgley. Watch as he attempts daring feats like replicating a hammerhead's gravity-assisted turn, mimicking a great white's aerial Polaris jump, outrunning a swift mako shark and mastering the feeding habits of a tiger shark.

Innovation & Tech Today interviewed Dr. Mike Heithaus, a renowned marine biologist who appeared in the film “Shark vs. Ross Edgley,” about his collaboration with Ross Edgley. Dr. Heithaus talked about their experience working together, the advanced equipment and technology used during filming, and more.

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Innovation & Tech Today: What was it like collaborating with Ross Edgley on “Shark vs. Ross Edgley”?

Dr. Mike Heithaus: Ross was a joy to work with. His enthusiasm for his work and for sharks is infectious. Ross is always the same on screen: positive, funny, and curious. He devoured everything he learned, even eating a few meals (after all, he was trying to compare his appetite to that of a tiger shark). His insight and excitement made everything we did that much more enjoyable.

It was also so inspiring to wake up in the morning and see Ross training. He'd be training for hours before we even started our day. I have so much respect for Ross and really understand his drive and work ethic to achieve such incredible things. It was a great experience for me to introduce him to some amazing sharks.

Ross Edgley and Florida International University shark expert Mike Haithouse are preparing to dive with tiger sharks for the first time. They have a clever plan: if they can get a tiger to bite into this giant lollipop, they can calculate how many calories a tiger shark can eat in one bite. (National Geographic/Natalie Miles)

I&T Today: Did you use any innovative methods while filming “Shark vs. Ross Edgley”?

Heithaus: In my segment, I used one of my favorite new techniques, gelatin bite pads, which I mix with the density of whale muscle and fat to help us figure out how much a shark can eat in one bite. It also helps us understand the type and size of sharks biting dolphins.

In other parts of the program, Ross will use high-tech modelling and particle tracing to learn about the efficiency with which he and the shark glide through the water.

Ross Edgley holds up a 6.2-pound chunk of “jelly” that was chewed up in one bite by an 11-foot tiger shark. With him is Mike Heithaus, a shark expert from Florida International University. 6.2 pounds of whale meat equals about 25,000 calories of whale blubber. (National Geographic/Natalie Miles)

I&T Today: What new technologies do you think will revolutionize the field of marine biology over the next decade?

Heithaus: There are many. Video technology is getting smaller, allowing us to record for longer periods of time and in lower light conditions, which will revolutionize our understanding of shark behavior. Genetic technologies will help us survey sharks faster and better understand what they eat and how they relate to each other. Autonomous vessels will help us get a more detailed view of the sharks' environments. And machine learning and AI will be key to processing the massive datasets we're generating.

Ultra athlete Ross Edgley and Florida International University shark expert Mike Haithouse hold blocks of Jell-O that are used to test how much tiger sharks can eat in one bite. (National Geographic/Natalie Miles)

I&T Today: What impact do you hope this film will have on shark conservation efforts?

Heithaus: As with all my work with SharkFest, I hope that audiences will come away with a sense of wonder for sharks and some of the emotion that Ross has when he encounters these animals, and that it will inspire people to understand how important these animals are and make decisions in their lives that will lead to more effective conservation of sharks and the ocean more broadly.

Ultra athlete Ross Edgley and Florida International University shark expert Mike Haithouse hold a glob of ballistic gel as they test how much a tiger shark can eat in one bite. (National Geographic/Natalie Miles)

I&T Today: What do you hope viewers will learn about sharks and marine ecosystems after watching the show?

Heithaus: I hope viewers will walk away with a general appreciation for how amazing and important sharks are and how amazing marine ecosystems are, and ultimately I hope people will be inspired to do what they can to not only protect but restore shark populations and protect our oceans, and also be intrigued to explore more on their own.

Shark vs. Ross Edgley (and the rest of Sharkfest) will premiere on National Geographic on June 30th and will be available to stream on Hulu and Disney+.




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