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Los Angeles and California: Environmental Policy as a Catalyst for the Cleantech Ecosystem

Los Angeles and California: Environmental Policy as a Catalyst for the Cleantech Ecosystem


Energy and Environment United States and Canada Issue Brief June 28, 2024 4:43 PM ET Print Page Los Angeles and California: Environmental Policy as a Catalyst for the Cleantech Ecosystem

Peter Engelke

California and one of its most important technology innovation ecosystems, Los Angeles, have combated climate change and other environmental challenges through innovation in both policymaking and technology invention and scale. This paper first examines state-level environmental and climate policymaking designed in part to foster technology-based innovation in California. It then shifts the focus of analysis to Los Angeles, one of California's most important technology innovation ecosystems, particularly with regard to environmental technologies. Finally, the paper assesses significant risks to California's model and asks whether California's technology ecosystem can transition to a fully decarbonized economy despite these risks.

While California's story is largely a story of success, both the state of California and the city of Los Angeles face several significant challenges that could undermine their long-standing formula. First, California's economy risks losing luster after a long-standing reputation as a high-cost state for workers and businesses. Second, California's grand plans to fight climate change, which include a massive expansion of wind and solar infrastructure, are at odds with other elements of the state's environmental legacy, such as habitat protections. Third, climate change itself could impede decarbonization as extreme weather events worsen, threatening communities, businesses, and the power grid. California's continued success as a global tech and climate innovator depends on mitigating these risks.



The Atlantic Council thanks Chevron for supporting our efforts on this project.

The authors would like to thank Danielle Miller, Frank Willey, and Daniel Helmec for their research assistance.

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The Global Energy Center develops and advances practical, bipartisan policy solutions aimed at advancing global energy security, expanding economic opportunity, and accelerating the path to net-zero emissions.

Image: The Los Angeles metropolitan area is home to major research centers and companies across the aerospace, bioscience, manufacturing, transportation, electronics, entertainment and healthcare industries. Unsplash/Henning Witzel




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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