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Navigating the global journey to health tech innovation: Martin Strydom's story

Navigating the global journey to health tech innovation: Martin Strydom's story


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In the dynamic world of health tech, there are few stories more remarkable than that of Martin Strydom, an entrepreneur who navigated diverse environments, overcame challenges and seized new opportunities. Born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa, Martin's journey is a testament to resilience, adaptability and a desire to innovate. In this article, we share his career journey, the challenges he faced, his aspirations for the future and his advice for aspiring professionals.

From Johannesburg to New York: A journey of growth and discovery

Martin Strydom's journey began in Johannesburg, South Africa. In 2015, at the age of 18, he moved to Hong Kong for university, embracing a new culture and educational environment. In 2017, he transferred to Columbia University in New York as part of a dual degree program. After graduating from Columbia in 2019, Martin began his career in finance with Deutsche Bank in New York, gaining valuable experience in a fast-paced industry.

In 2021, he made a career shift, joining Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to focus on healthcare, specifically biotechnology and biopharmaceuticals. This role ignited his passion for the intersection of healthcare and technology and set the stage for his future endeavors.

Overcoming intercontinental challenges

In 2022, Martin traveled to Nigeria to work with some of Africa's most promising healthtech startups. His role included building a Pan-African Healthtech Accelerator and supporting startups with go-to-market strategies. The experience was not without challenges; conducting healthcare research on the outskirts of Lagos often led to suspicion and even intimidation. Despite these obstacles, Martin developed a resilience and tenacity that helped him deal with any challenge life threw at him.

One of his most memorable experiences was being kicked out of a pharmacy when he was trying to interview a pharmacist about operations and finances. Looking back at this time, he now realizes how easy it would be to approach strangers in New York or San Francisco and promote his health app. This tenacity has been the foundation of his success, allowing him to thrive in any environment.

Vision for the future: Connecting the dots between health and AI

Returning to New York in early 2024, Martin will use his expertise and experience in healthcare and AI to launch his own startup, Dots. Dots aims to make the data coming from consumer fitness wearables, like the Apple Watch, more useful than it currently is. By connecting a variety of health and lifestyle data, Dots provides users with proactive, actionable, and highly personalized recommendations.

Martin's vision is driven by the convergence of three major trends: growing interest in health, the proliferation of wearables, and a new wave of AI. He believes these trends create the potential for powerful AI health and wellness companions that unlock the value of personal health data. He is excited to take on this challenge, start a company in an area he is passionate about, and see the positive impact it will have on people's lives.

Advice for those aspiring to become professionals

Martin draws on his wealth of experience to offer valuable advice to young professionals hoping to build an international career.

Understanding your own mind

He emphasizes that understanding your own mind is crucial to your happiness and success, and he uses this deep understanding of his own mind as his primary filter for accepting advice and making decisions, especially when following advice from people with a different risk tolerance can lead you down the wrong path.

Continue to explore new interests

He emphasizes the importance of always exploring new interests. In college, he studied economics, but after graduation, he found his passion in biology and, boom, in 2022, generative AI. He devoted his days and nights to researching these topics, landing unique opportunities in the biotech and healthtech sectors and launching several AI mobile apps.

Get lucky

Finally, he emphasizes the importance of luck to success: Hard work and perseverance are essential, but being lucky can have a huge impact on your life.

Martin Strydom's journey is a remarkable example of how resilience, adaptability and a passion for innovation lead to success in the dynamic entrepreneurial world. His experiences in diverse environments, from Johannesburg to New York to San Francisco, shaped his vision for a future where AI and wearable technology revolutionize personal health and wellness. For aspiring professionals, his story offers valuable lessons on exploring new interests, understanding the mind and embracing luck on the path to success.




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