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Desktop user interface now generally available

Desktop user interface now generally available


Hello everyone, The AppSheets desktop user interface is officially moving to General Availability (GA).

Some of you may have been following this project since its inception, while others may be new to the community, so I wanted to provide a quick refresher of what this project is all about with a couple of screenshots of the AppSheet app in a desktop web browser.

Previous – Classic design for desktop browsers

After/Now – Desktop Design in a Desktop Web Browser

(More photos were shown in the preview announcement a while back)

This means we've made some big changes to the user experience on our desktop browser (compared to the classic design, not necessarily compared to what most users have seen over the past year).

A sleeker, more modern look: When accessed on a desktop browser, the app is presented with a design that makes better use of the available space, leveraging desktop patterns like side navigation menus, split layouts, and tabs. More organized information: You can now see more information while keeping everything in context. Speedier interface: Navigating the app is smoother and more responsive.

For more information on the specific changes, please see our documentation.

Additionally, we've made some big changes under the hood: we've made significant changes to our architecture and data handling, and we've also upgraded our tech stack – all to provide a stronger foundation for future development and better maintenance for our customers and ourselves.

So what's going to change?

This release means that this new design is officially and fully supported. Because this project has been ongoing for a long time, some of you were concerned that the new design would be released to GA and removed from the platform. As a result, some were hesitant to use the new design, but this announcement reaffirms our commitment to this new user interface for desktop users.

The team will also support this like any other product feature, and in terms of process, you can report bugs through your existing support channels.

What do you need to do? Explore and enable

We won't make any changes to your existing apps, but we encourage you to enable the new design in apps that use the classic user interface – take some time to explore the differences and test how well your users prefer the new design.

Thank you to the community

This update is the result of a long-term collaborative effort. We've been previewing the new design together with you, and we want to thank you for your support, ideas, and any issues you've reported.

In particular, I'd like to mention a few names, in no particular order: @Marc_Dillon @Karimmc2 @Suvrutt_Gurjar @Koichi @KON_TROLL @SkrOYC @Axel_Pro @scott192 @Skip2MiLu @PocketDragon @Denzil_Snyman @checktheclaws @Rifad @kvngo94 @WillowMobileSys @dbaum @Aurelien @JPAlpano @hien_nguyen @gscriptTR @thematgallery @Izzat_Safrah @armstrob88 Many others have contributed and I apologize for not mentioning them/you here. These same AppSheet creators will also be calling us out and inspiring us to keep improving!

– Arthur, AppSheet Team


Q: What changes does this new design bring? Are there any known issues or limitations?

A: Please see our documentation for more details on the specific changes. This page also contains a list of tracking limitations and known issues.

Q: I've been using this (new) user interface design for quite some time now. What exactly is changing?

A: Most creators probably won't notice a big difference. We've made some changes, but aside from specific issues, many of the changes over the last 3-6 months have been under-the-hood improvements. We're excited for you to experience the new design and hope you like it.

Q: I don't see this new design in my app, how can I use it?

A: With a few exceptions, all new apps will be created with the new design enabled.

Copies from the gallery of app templates may display the legacy user interface (depending on the app you copied from) until they are updated in the near future. Copies from existing apps will display the user interface design selected in the existing app. If you copy an app that displays the legacy user interface, your copy will also display the legacy user interface until you turn on desktop mode.

Q: I reported an issue related to this desktop design, but it wasn't resolved.

A: Thank you for reporting any issues you encounter. We make an effort to record and discuss all reported issues internally (not just those reported via our community website).

However, there may be cases where we were unable to reproduce the issue, or we had to make changes to both the mobile and desktop user interfaces to resolve the issue, or we decided to address the underlying issue in a different way or at a later time.

We also received some (good) ideas for improvements and feature requests that we weren't able to prioritize for this release, and we'll continue to improve the experience for our desktop users beyond this release.

Going forward, you can report new issues (or issues that we don't already have) through one of our support channels and we'll take care of them. Please first check the list of known issues and limitations in our documentation.

Q: Will the classic user interface no longer be available on desktop browsers?

A: At this time, we have no plans to turn off the legacy user interface. If there are any changes in the future, we will notify you. If there are any changes, the legacy user interface will continue to be available for an extended period of time after the announcement (which may take longer than 12 months).




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