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Learn about the Norwegian Healthcare Innovation Business – St. Olav College

Learn about the Norwegian Healthcare Innovation Business – St. Olav College


The Norwegian Folk Museum's Norway Innovation Scholars for 2024. This year's scholars are (back row, from left) Miriam Clapp '24, Lily Bensen '24, Sarah Fleming '24, Eva Benson '25, Sabina Dock '24, (front row, from left) Casey McCloskey '24, Maheen Asim '25, Lara Istifada '24, and Josh Sutherland '24.

Earlier this year, nine St. Olaf College students traveled to Norway to work with two medical startups. After being briefed on their assignment, which focused on investigating the feasibility of launching a new healthcare product in the American market, the students dived in. After four weeks, the students presented their report to the companies.

“I’ve never had this much autonomy in any of my other internships,” said Miriam Clapp ’24, “and I really enjoyed the opportunity to further hone my existing skills in consulting in an international workplace.”

Norwegian Innovation Scholars and business partners (from left) Sarah Fleming ’24, Emilie Strol, Rara Istifadah ’24, Maheen Asim ’25, Josh Sutherland ’24, Gaute Nspe, and Tim Nspe participated in the presentation.

The experience is part of the Norwegian Innovation Scholars Program (NISP), which fosters opportunities for students from various disciplines to collaborate and solve problems in a cross-cultural environment. “Innovation happens when a diverse group of students come together on a challenging, ambiguous project,” said Kirsten Cahoon (Class of 1998), director of the Piper Occupational and Career Center.

This year, two teams of St. Olaf students participated in the NISP program, each working for a different company. The first team, Sarah Fleming ’24, Rara Istifadah ’24, Maheen Asim ’25, and Josh Sutherland ’24, worked for Norway Health Tech. The second team, Savina Dock ’24, Casey McCloskey ’24, Eva Benson ’25, and Clapp, worked for Viking Arm Medical.

I have never had this much autonomy in any of my other internships and I am really glad to have had the opportunity to further develop my existing skills in consulting in an international workplace.”

Miriam Clapp '24

Day-to-day duties include market research, consulting, analyzing sales plans, developing sales strategies, etc. The program is intensive, totaling 200-300 hours over four weeks, but still provides students with hands-on experience and a new perspective on the healthcare technology sector and its future.

“What I liked most was knowing that the work I was involved in had the potential to make a positive impact by improving healthcare delivery and outcomes through innovative technology solutions for the community,” Asim says.

Istifada says she is also glad that she had the opportunity to learn what it is like to work in a different culture. “Getting to know different leadership styles and workplace cultures and norms was a valuable experience, which helps me understand the values ​​of Norwegian society,” she says.

NISP is supported on campus by Paul Edwards, associate director of the Piper Career Center, and the Department of Biology, with biology professor Kevin Crisp serving as longtime faculty advisor. The program was created in 2014 to model itself after the Mayo Innovation Scholars program developed in 2006 by the late John Meslow (Class of 1960).

Norway Innovation Scholars and collaborators (from left) Sabina Dock ’24, Eva Benson ’25, Hans-Martin Aguilera, Miriam Clapp ’24, and Casey McCloskey ’24.

The four-person team worked for a month to research their target market and produce a detailed report outlining their proposed solutions to the clients' questions. Crisp worked closely with the companies' CEOs to guide the team's work.

“This experience allowed me to learn more about the industry and the different aspects involved in it as a whole, and how everyone in my group made this happen using their individual strengths,” Benson said.

McCloskey said he enjoyed working in a small team, finding that when the team worked well together they could be very effective. “The trip gave me an insight into what it would be like to work in consulting full time, and although it was tough, it was really fun,” he said.

During their free time, students could explore the city, go to concerts, or visit museums.

“As a group we visited many cultural sites in Norway, including Akershus Castle, the Munch Museum and the Stave Viking Church. It was a really great leadership and cultural experience,” says teaching assistant Lily Bensen, 24.

The program not only provided exposure to Norwegian culture but also the opportunity to meet Ole alumni.

“I had the opportunity to play at a community orchestra rehearsal with former Ole, who is a Fulbright scholarship recipient living in Oslo,” says Clapp, who was himself a Fulbright recipient this spring.

All these factors combined to create a valuable experience.

“I would love to do it again,” Istifada said.




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