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Healwell AI has invested CAD 2.7 million in Elon Musk's xAI to leverage the company's expertise and resources.

Healwell AI has invested CAD 2.7 million in Elon Musk's xAI to leverage the company's expertise and resources.


Healwell’s CEO touts access to xAI’s closed developer program as a major potential benefit.

Toronto-based health tech and artificial intelligence (AI) company Healwell AI has indirectly invested CAD 2.7 million (US$2 million) in Elon Musk's AI venture xAI.

Healwell made the investment through Think 1st Principles (T1P), the massonomy arm of the Agostinelli Family Office (an Elon Musk-oriented fund) founded by Healwell shareholder and strategic advisor Massimo Agostinelli. Healwell said the investment will give it access to a closed xAI developer program and allow it to leverage xAI's AI-oriented technical expertise and resources, including Large Language Models (LLMs), potentially enhancing its product development efforts.

Healwell said the xAI-tweaked LLM can be combined with its own LLM.

HealWell CEO Alexander Dobranovskiy told BetaKit that the investment is a smart use of capital with the potential for a strong return on investment, highlighting that access to the developer program is perhaps the investment’s most important benefit.

“This strategic investment marks a major opportunity for Healwell, as it gives the company a privileged position in one of the world's best-capitalized and most ambitious AI companies,” Dobrnovski said in a statement. Furthermore, access to a closed xAI developer ecosystem provides the Healwell team with a meaningful opportunity to leverage xAI's best-in-class talent and resources.

The investment is part of xAI's $6 billion Series B round, which closed last month at a post-funding valuation of $24 billion. The company is one of many trying to catch up with OpenAI, which is valued at $86 billion, according to Crunchbase. xAI's backers include Valor Equity Partners, Vy Capital, Andreessen Horowitz, Sequoia Capital and Fidelity Management.

The company was founded in July 2023 and developed the Grok chatbot, which is offered through Musk's social media platform X (formerly Twitter). Healwell said it can combine fine-tuned LLMs in the xAI ecosystem with its own fine-tuned LLMs, claiming that such models could be useful for scientific and clinical investigations.

Founded in 2012, HealWell was previously known as MCI Onehealth and operated a number of clinics as well as an innovation division focused on developing healthcare software products. The company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange in 2019, but last year decided to exit its clinical business and focus on AI and data science.

The company has made several acquisitions since rebranding to HealWell in October 2023, most recently acquiring Fredericton, New Brunswick-based health data platform VeroSource Solutions and Toronto-based contract research organization BioPharma Services. HealWell claims that once both transactions are completed, it expects its own annualized revenue run rate to exceed $65 million.

Related: Healwell AI Accelerates M&A Strategy with Acquisition of VeroSource Solutions and BioPharma Services

Two analyst reports on HealWell's investment in xAI, which HealWell shared with BetaKit, rate the deal positively: George Yuribyshev and Noel Atkinson of Clarus Securities wrote that they expect access to xAI's closed developer program will give HealWell the opportunity to strengthen and accelerate its healthcare AI and data science capabilities by fine-tuning them. [LLMs] xAI uses its own dataset.

Ventum Capital Markets analyst Rob Goff expects Healwell will benefit from access to AI leaders and tools through xAI, which focuses on enhancing model explainability.

A detailed understanding of how complex AI models make decisions is critical in healthcare and will give HealWell a distinct advantage, Goff wrote.

With files from Josh Scott.

Feature image courtesy of Healwell AI.




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