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Generative AI Applications Revolutionize Technology and Innovation

Generative AI Applications Revolutionize Technology and Innovation


Recent innovations in the public and private sectors are harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, led by the development of generative AI applications.

The shift from traditional AI systems to generative AI is accelerating the development of rapid prototyping solutions, highlighting the need for responsible AI governance and presenting challenges in integrating these advanced technologies into existing infrastructure. Collaborations between leading technology companies and public sector organizations highlight their commitment to advancing AI while maintaining security and ethical standards.

“There's been a lot of starts and stops with different generative AI projects because everyone wants to do things responsibly,” said Alison Smith (pictured), director of generative AI at Booz Allen Hamilton. “A lot of the work on responsible AI and governance is still at a high level, and we're helping clients think about the impact and what that means for security and guardrails at a more technical solution level. That takes time.”

Smith spoke with John Farrier of theCUBE Research during an exclusive interview at SiliconANGLE Media's livestreaming studio, theCUBE, at the AWS Summit in Washington, D.C. They discussed the transformative impact of generative AI applications in the tech sector, highlighting the challenges of integrating these advanced technologies, the importance of responsible AI governance, and collaboration between tech companies and public agencies to uphold security and ethical standards.

Overcoming the Complexity of AI Integration and Generative AI Applications

Booz Allen Hamilton has established itself as a leader in AI by becoming the first premier partner of Amazon Web Services, Inc.'s Generative AI Innovation Center. Smith said the partnership will enable the company to help customers leverage AWS services such as Bedrock and SageMaker.

“Many of our clients use the AWS Cloud, so helping them understand the Bedrock service, SageMaker when Bedrock isn't available, and how to use the service overall is a very natural partnership,” she said. “Some clients are interested in doing rapid prototyping to understand the value of generative AI, while others are looking at full production systems and how to incorporate LLM there.”

One of the main challenges discussed was simultaneously managing experimentation, governance, security, privacy and budget considerations. Handling these aspects effectively is crucial to the successful integration of AI technologies, Smith explained.

“Of course, experimentation requires understanding the limitations of what LLMs and generative AI solutions can do,” she says. “When we look at traditional AI systems, we need to understand where generative AI makes sense to deploy in places where it actually has value. Federal government departments in particular face higher standards because they must be responsible stewards of taxpayer money, which adds an extra layer of complexity to AI deployment.”

AWS investment in generative AI is accelerating, especially in the public sector. But the need for responsible AI governance and security measures can slow adoption. Smith believes this is a necessary and intentional process. Ensuring data lineage, supply chain explainability, and establishing a strong governance framework are critical steps that must be taken to maintain momentum in AI adoption.

“The biggest challenge, and I don't want to call it a barrier because it's important, is really thinking through responsible AI and governance measures,” said Smith. “Being federal and in the public sector, we have higher standards for how we use taxpayer money to accomplish a variety of important missions that don't exist in traditional retail. I think that's what's slowing down adoption. But I think it's by design and not necessarily a barrier.”

Below is the full video interview, which is part of SiliconANGLEs and theCUBE Research’s coverage of the AWS Summit in Washington, D.C.

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