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Tackling the climate crisis with innovation and technology

Tackling the climate crisis with innovation and technology


On June 11, the last day of my visit, there were 2,030 days until 2030. More than 45 percent of the world's population, or about 4.5 billion people, are at high risk of extreme weather events, including about 2.3 billion people who are officially defined as living in poverty.

Vegar Sörgel, Director General of the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation

Despite achievements such as the 2015 Paris Agreement, the challenge remains huge: to limit temperature rise to 1.5 degrees, global CO2 emissions need to be reduced by up to 42% by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050. How do we get there in just over 2,000 days?

There are actionable answers, such as continued efforts to increase investment in solar and other renewable energy, but we also need to start thinking about how to reduce emissions in hard-to-abate sectors such as cement, shipping and aviation.

Technological innovation is at the heart of reducing emissions from heavy industry, which currently accounts for around 16% of global carbon dioxide emissions. Recent research by researchers from the Universities of Leeds, Bath and Imperial College London suggests that emissions from heavy industry could be reduced by up to 85%.

From advancements in nature-based solutions to smart city innovations, technology is paving the way to redefine how we interact with a warming planet.

Vietnam is at a crossroads between climate risks and the green transition. Climate change is affecting the health of Vietnam's crops, displacing communities and polluting its coasts. Plastic pollution is a major problem in the country, which sits at the mouth of the Great Mekong River, accounting for 80% of marine waste. Plastic pollution harms land, freshwater and marine ecosystems, leading to biodiversity loss and negative health impacts.

During my visit to Vietnam, I was pleased to see the Vietnamese government's willingness to tackle the challenge of plastic pollution.

Vietnam aims to reduce marine plastic pollution by 75 percent by 2030. Sustainable waste management at the local level, including sorting at source, collection, transportation, recycling and reuse, will be key to achieving this goal.

Non-recyclable plastics currently dumped in landfills could become a valuable resource. Co-processing to replace coal with this plastic in the cement industry has great potential to solve Vietnam's plastic pollution problem.

The approach is currently being tested in Vietnam. So far, around 200 tonnes of plastic waste collected from Minh Khai village has been processed and transported to a cement company. The company saves money, plastic does not end up in landfill and national regulations on environmental standards are met. There is the potential to scale up the process to a national level, paving the way for Vietnam to become a leader among Southeast Asian countries in green growth.

Vietnam is setting the standard for innovation in heavy industry while also working to revamp its energy mix. In January, the Norfund-managed Climate Investment Fund invested $10 million in the Southeast Asia Clean Energy Fund II, which will help boost capital for early-stage companies focused on driving low-carbonization in Vietnam and two other ASEAN countries.

Many of Vietnam’s challenges are common to other countries. To make the most of our resources, we need to find solutions that benefit many people, often called “global public goods,” many of which can be enabled by technology.

Access to high-quality data is crucial in addressing climate and nature challenges because it fosters transparency, collaboration and informed decision-making. Making environmental data available to researchers, policymakers and the public enables collaborative approaches to understanding and mitigating the impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss.

Vietnam has a forest cover of 42 percent. Norway has long supported global efforts to reduce deforestation as a highly effective strategy for climate change mitigation, with digitalization being a key component of this.

Improved satellite monitoring has been a game changer. High-resolution satellite data provides comprehensive monitoring capabilities, allowing governments, private organizations, researchers and journalists to monitor vast, remote areas of the rainforest that would otherwise be inaccessible.

Satellite imagery and data, coupled with AI for large-scale analysis, provide critical knowledge on deforestation, land-use change and environmental degradation, providing a bird's-eye view of illegal activities and nature loss.

Through Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative satellite data programme, high-resolution imagery of the tropics is available free of charge to more than 30,000 users in around 160 countries.

A green transition is essential for the survival and well-being of our planet and future generations. Technology, with its vast and diverse applications, plays a pivotal role in facilitating this transition. By embracing renewable energy, leveraging circular approaches to decarbonize, and making the most of the open source solutions that digital technology offers, we can build a sustainable and resilient future.

It is important to green the future in an inclusive and collaborative way. Successfully integrating technology into the green transition requires collaboration between governments, businesses and communities. Communities and individuals need to adopt and promote sustainable technologies and lifestyles.

At this critical juncture in human history, the synergy between technology and sustainability offers a ray of hope. By harnessing the power of technology, we can turn the tide on climate change and pave the way to a greener, healthier, and more prosperous world. During this transition, every day until 2030 counts.

Renewable energy is a leading solution for climate change mitigation in ASEAN

Investing in renewable energy sources is a mitigation measure for ASEAN to mitigate climate change, according to Malaysia-based Vertiv Chee Hoe Ling, vice president of infrastructure solutions.

Vietnam, UK expand climate change cooperation

Vietnam and the UK are expanding their cooperation in tackling climate change, with a new multi-year climate programme planned. British Ambassador to Vietnam Ian Frew spoke to Bich Thuy of the Vietnam Institute of International Affairs about how this expanded climate cooperation supports Vietnam's path to net zero.




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