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Robot Laughs With Living Skin. It's Not Creepy at AllExBulletin

Robot Laughs With Living Skin. It's Not Creepy at AllExBulletin


An image released by researchers at the University of Tokyo shows a robot that laughs with the help of mechanical actuators beneath a layer of flexible biological skin. Takeuchi et al. CC-BY-ND .

. Takeuchi et al. CC-BY-ND

If humanoid robots make you feel a bit uneasy, would you feel better if they had a fleshy face smiling at you?

The incredible feat is the result of a new technique that uses artificially created living skin tissue and human-like ligaments to give a robot a more natural-looking smile, according to findings published this week by researchers at the University of Tokyo.

“By creating a face with the same surface material and structure as a human, the research team succeeded in recreating a human appearance to some extent,” team leader Professor Shoji Takeuchi said in a news release. In the process, they found new challenges, such as the need for surface wrinkles and a thicker epidermis to achieve a more human-like appearance, he added.

The approach promises to make robots more realistic, and the researchers say similar technology could be used on humans in the cosmetics and plastic surgery industries in the future. Their findings were published in the journal Cell Reports Physical Science.

A new way to attach living skin tissue to a robotic skeleton allows for more human-like facial expressions and a greater range of motion, say researchers from the University of Tokyo. Takeuchi et al. CC-BY-ND .

. Takeuchi et al. CC-BY-ND

To layer and connect the lab-grown skin to the robot's skeleton, a layer of collagen gel containing cultured human dermal fibroblasts (a type of connective tissue cell) is bonded to an innovative system of tiny V-shaped perforations on the surface, allowing the skin to move with the underlying structures without tearing or peeling. Actuators act as the muscles that produce smiling and other movements.

Takeuchi's Biohybrid Systems Institute has previously engineered skin with healing abilities, built tiny robots using living muscle tissue, and produced 3D-printed cultured meat in the lab, and he says his latest research into living skin could lead to the next step.

Self-healing is a key issue, and some chemical-based materials can be made to heal themselves, but they need a trigger like heat, pressure or other signals, and they don't grow like cells do, he said. The biological skin would repair small tears like human skin does, and could add nerves and other skin organs that could be used for sensing and more.

In their study, the researchers say it's crucial for robots to have the ability to heal and repair themselves, because even small scratches can lead to serious damage.

Takeuchi added that biomimetic robots could be made even more realistic by thickening the skin, and future projects might also explore adding sensors, pores, and even sweat glands and fat. In their paper, the team said their research could also provide insight into how human wrinkles form. And by incorporating more sophisticated actuators and eventually cultured muscle tissue, their approach could one day help robots move as smoothly as humans.

For now, robots can't feel their own faces, which puts them in a category pioneered by Abel Tesfaye, AKA The Weeknd, and most recently, many of us smiled when technology helped put the singer's facial words into the mouth of the President of the United States.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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