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Tips and tricks to step up your strand game

Tips and tricks to step up your strand game


Regardless of how you approach other games, give yourself a trial period at first. Take it slow, see if any words pop out at you, and don't be afraid to use hints if you get stuck. Unlike Connections and Wordle, Strands doesn't have a final turn, so you can experiment to find what works for you. Then you can develop your own approach, like Peter Blair, an editor at The Times, who designed the scoring system in Connections to be so athletic that he can't believe he still enjoys playing it. Or maybe you're like Isaac Aronow, an editor on the Games desk, who decided to take a purely aesthetic approach to Wordle. It's just that different people like different things, and in this case, Strands is different for different people.

Yes, there are Easter eggs.

There's a fair amount of randomness to Strands, as the letters on the board can be connected in any number of ways, but sometimes you'll discover deliberately inserted Easter eggs – for example, in the recent Spangle BROADWAY puzzle about the famous musical, the spangles on the board were designed to follow the shape of the namesake street in Manhattan.

But don't worry if you get off to a false start: The difficulty of each board depends heavily on the puzzle title and its thematic connection. Bennett says she's never intentionally built in misleading information, but adds that she's seen it happen. If solvers stumble across a theme-related item on the board, she says they should just celebrate it as a free gift.

Playing is fun, so make sure you play.

It may seem like an obvious conclusion that playing a game should be fun, but it's worth repeating, given the number of brilliant, creative, perfectionist solvers out there. In Strands, there is no penalty for endless guessing, and no penalty for using hints. And believe me, I get it. My personal approach to the Times game is akin to riding a bike or walking through New York City, where shortly after you start the activity, you suddenly feel the need to outrun everyone in your path. When did it become a competition? I don't know.

Reed Kavner, a comedy producer in New York City, keeps the spirit of playfulness in check by exchanging results with his mom via text every day. “We started exchanging Wordle results in 2021, and then we got her on Connections and Strands,” Kavner says. Now, she's a more avid player than I am.

Kavner said that both he and his mother tried to avoid clues out of personal pride and satisfaction, and tended to focus on who found the Spangham first, but added that the game felt primarily like an opportunity to check in on each other from afar — primarily a way to say hello and feel connected.




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