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DVIDS – News – Defense Technology Exploration Continues at JIFX

DVIDS – News – Defense Technology Exploration Continues at JIFX


The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) conducted its spring Joint Interagency Field Experiment (JIFX) event in May with a technical focus on command, control, communications, computers, cyber, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C5ISR) and countermeasures.

Held quarterly at Camp Roberts, California Army National Guard, JIFX provides an unparalleled opportunity for applied research for NPS students, faculty, industry engineers and stakeholders. This most recent JIFX attracted 170 participants, conducted field experiments utilizing 18 unique technologies, and conducted a total of 52 flights with Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS).

JIFX gives technical personnel many things they can’t get on their own: an operational field environment where they can see how their prototypes work in the real world, and immediate feedback and insight from DOD end users, said JIFX sponsor John Lazar, director for Innovation and Modernization (I&M) in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD (R&E)).

The interaction between JIFX technologists and stakeholders helps drive faster innovation that can concretely address operational technology gaps.

In April, NPS signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) to expand complementary efforts and future opportunities covering education, research and innovation, including joint experimentation. JIFX is well-suited to effectively deliver on this effort.

“JIFX is an excellent example of how NPS can help accelerate concepts into capabilities,” said Dr. Kevin Smith, NPS vice chancellor for research and innovation. JIFX blends new technology with operational experience to create learning opportunities for innovation.

U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. Steve Batow, DIU's military adjutant and commander of the California Air National Guard, recognizes the importance of JIFX to current and future DIU projects.

JIFX provides a very unique environment to incubate breakthrough technologies and accelerate their progress from development to deployment, Butow says. By partnering with the California National Guard's Camp Roberts, JIFX connects engineers to necessary but otherwise difficult-to-access testing sites and airspace.

WeatherHive, a crowd weather measurement system being developed by GreenSight, is one of the projects DIU is funding for the U.S. Air Force Weather Agency. Deploying 10 small quadcopter drones from a portable hive canister, the system can collect meteorological data for tactical weather forecasts as well as predictions of what's happening now and in the near future.

GreenSight has experimented with WeatherHive at the past four JIFX events and found access to Camp Roberts' vast controlled airspace to be essential to accelerating the development of its technology.

“The airspace access situation here is really unique. We can be here for a full week and have almost unfettered access to high altitude airspace,” said James Peverill, CEO and co-founder of GreenSight.

“We can do a lot more testing here, we can replicate much more accurately how the system will be used in the real world. We can go to maximum altitude. We can fly at full power. And we can really test the full extent of the system in a way that we can't do very many other places.”

Peverill believes one of JIFX's major advantages is its accessibility to stakeholders: While initially funded for the U.S. Air Force, feedback has led to the development of new applications for other stakeholders across the Department of Defense (DOD).

JIFX Director, Retired U.S. Army Colonel Michael Richardson, believes that these types of interactions, which JIFX regularly conducts, are of great benefit to all stakeholders involved.

NPS and DOD stakeholders benefit from identifying technologies that could solve operational challenges, and technologists benefit from learning about DOD needs, Richardson said. Both communities benefit from building relationships that lead to needed capabilities and business development.

Retired U.S. Navy Capt. Marco Romani, director of NavalX Central Coast Tech Bridge for NPS, is a frequent attendee at JIFX events and highlighted NavalX's commitment to supporting JIFX's innovation mission.

According to Romani, the Navy sees JIFX as a valuable tool for technology discovery. NPS JIFX provides the lowest barrier to collaboration with the Department of Defense for companies of all sizes, from one-person startups to major defense companies. JIFX is all about learning, and the belief is that in a shared learning environment, everyone can fail fast and succeed fast.

The next JIFX event this summer will focus on non-standard communications and navigation and will take place Aug. 5-9. For more information about JIFX and to register for upcoming events, visit .

Participation in a Joint Interagency Field Experiment (JIFX) event does not imply endorsement of the participating companies or their products or services by the Naval Postgraduate School, the Department of the Navy, or the Department of Defense.

Photo date: June 28, 2024 Post date: June 28, 2024 15:45 Story ID: 475188 Location: Monterey, California, USA Web views: 25 Downloads: 0 Public domain




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