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Google strengthens YouTube Premium with new AI features and expanded plans

Google strengthens YouTube Premium with new AI features and expanded plans


Google recently announced exciting new features for YouTube Premium subscribers. These updates, published in the YouTube Help Community, are aimed at improving the user experience and giving you more options to enjoy content on the platform. From smarter video skipping to innovative AI integration, these features are designed to make YouTube even more user-friendly and engaging.

Jump to the best part

One of the standout features is the “Jump to the best part” feature. When users double-click to move forward in a video, they can now click “Skip to the beginning.” This feature uses AI to predict the best part of a video that users want to watch. For now, the feature is only available on Android devices; however, Google plans to extend support to iOS soon. This AI-driven feature aims to save users' time by directing them directly to the most engaging parts of a video.

YouTube Shorts Enhancements

YouTube Shorts, the platform's answer to short-form video content, is getting two major upgrades. First, a new picture-in-picture feature allows users to watch Shorts while doing other things on their device, improving users' ability to multitask. Second, there's the Smart Download feature in YouTube Shorts, which automatically downloads batches of Shorts videos for offline viewing. Though the feature is still in the testing phase, it's expected to make it easier for users to enjoy content on the go. With this feature, users won't have to worry about data or internet issues.

Conversational AI

Another new feature being tested is Conversational AI. The tool answers users' questions and recommends relevant content based on the conversation. This will significantly improve user interaction on the platform, making it easier for them to discover new videos or get more information without having to search manually. According to a Google blog post, the feature is only available in English and only for premium members in the US. Also, to test the tool, users need to be 18 years of age or older and use an Android device.

Gizchina News of the Week New Watch Page Layout

Google is also experimenting with a new watch page layout, and while details about the feature are still limited, it's expected to improve the overall viewing experience by making the interface more intuitive and user-friendly.

Other YouTube Premium Plans

In addition to these new features, Google is expanding its YouTube Premium plans. The company is focused on giving subscribers more options by expanding existing benefits to more regions and introducing new plans. This includes exploring ways to make it easier for users to share benefits with friends and enjoy YouTube Premium together.

Google said

We are committed to expanding our existing services to more locations and offering more plan options to our members, as well as introducing new plans and exploring ways to share benefits with friends in the future.

We are committed to offering our members even more plan choices by expanding existing offers to more locations, introducing new offers, and exploring future ways to share offers with friends.

Your current YouTube Premium plan

Currently, there are several options for YouTube Premium subscriptions.

Personal plan: $13.99/month or $139.99/year Family plan: $22.99/month Student plan: $7.99/month

These plans offer a variety of perks, including ad-free viewing, background playback, access to YouTube Music Premium, and more. The launch of more plan options and the expansion of existing plans are aimed at providing more flexibility and more value for subscribers.


With these new features and expanded plan options, it's clear that Google is committed to improving the YouTube Premium experience. With smarter video skipping, improved YouTube Shorts features, and conversational AI integration, these updates aim to make YouTube more enjoyable and accessible. As Google continues to innovate and expand its services, YouTube Premium subscribers can look forward to an even better viewing experience in the future.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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