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I paid for Google Drive storage. Here's why I don't regret it

I paid for Google Drive storage. Here's why I don't regret it


Google Drive gives you 15 GB of free storage, but what happens if you run out of it? Your storage is shared across email, photo and video backups, and other services, so if you unexpectedly run out of space, you're in trouble. Here are some reasons why you should upgrade:

Why you should upgrade to paid Google storage Hannah Stryker / How-To Geek

I try to keep monthly subscriptions to a minimum, but I was willing to pay for paid Google Drive storage. Here are my reasons for choosing paid Google storage:

Store more files, photos and videos

Upgrading to a paid Google Drive plan increases your storage capacity significantly. For example, the basic plan offers 100GB of storage for $1.99 per month, and higher plans offer even more space. You can't beat 100GB of cloud storage for about $2 per month. Plus, downloading files and folders from Google Drive is super easy.

Personal use cases: Travel writing and tabletop RPGs

As a travel writer, the increased storage space allows me to store more photos from my adventures without having to worry about deleting old ones to make way for new ones. Plus, I'm involved in tabletop RPGs, so I use Google Docs a lot to store my plans and notes. The extra space means I can keep all my plans and notes in one place and access them anytime. I'm sure most other users have hobbies or jobs that benefit from a cloud storage solution, too.

Seamlessly share large files with others

When you're working on a personal project (like a game you made with ChatGPT), you can easily share it with other indie game developers like you to get feedback, no matter how large the file is. The same goes for beta testing your tabletop rule system. What's even more appealing is that you can link Google Drive directly to Windows Explorer.

The convenience of having all your files in one place

I work while traveling, so I'm always on the go, and because Google Drive has such a large storage capacity, I can work on the go and sync to Drive when I'm connected. This means I don't lose time during my 13 hour layover in Panama, but can get work done on my mobile device instead.

Sync with Google Photos, Gmail, and other apps

The best thing about paid Google Drive storage is the seamless integration with Google Suite. I store a lot of stuff in Google Drive, from the thousands of pictures I take during my travels to the hundreds of lines of code I write. I can (and do) use GitHub for coding, but it's nice to have Google Drive as a backup that automatically syncs from my desktop.

Is Google Drive Worth the Cost? Syda Productions/Shutterstock

Google Drive has multiple pricing plans to cater to different needs. The 100 GB plan is available for $1.99/month or $19.99/year, and the 200 GB plan is available for $2.99/month or $29.99/year. If you need even more storage, the 2 TB plan is available for $9.99/month or $99.99/year. Each plan significantly increases the storage capacity, allowing users to choose the plan that best suits their requirements. Personally, I don't need more than 100 GB, and once that space fills up, I'll need to start backing up the excess offsite.

From my perspective, the value of upgrading to a paid Google Drive plan is great. The convenience, productivity gains, and peace of mind that comes with adequate storage justify the small monthly fee. For example, paying $1.99/month for 100GB of storage means you won't have to waste time managing files or worry about running out of space.

While Google Drive is my favorite choice, it's worth noting that other cloud storage services offer similar features. Services like Dropbox, OneDrive, and iCloud also offer paid plans with various amounts of storage space. However, Google is the clear winner for me because of its integration with other services, especially the Google Suite, which I use frequently.

How to use Google Drive storage

So how can I make the most of this storage? My current storage capacity tells me that I'm using nearly 30GB of my 100GB storage capacity. Where are my files? The majority of my storage is taken up by high-resolution travel photos and videos. I also have a folder dedicated to work (separated into personal and business projects) and a bunch of tabletop PDFs with rule sets that I want to try out with my gaming group. Files in Google Drive are easily shareable, making it easy to collaborate with others.

One of my favorite features is having the Google Docs app on my phone, which allows me to create documents directly and save them to Google Drive, allowing me to work seamlessly no matter where I am or what I'm doing. This feature has made a world of difference in my productivity and flexibility. Getting a paid Google Drive subscription has completely changed the way I approach work.

Is there anything I should be concerned about with Google Drive? Shutterstock

Google Drive

One of the fears for people who use cloud storage is the fear of data leakage. Although I don't store sensitive information such as passwords unencrypted on my drive, I still worry about the security of the system.

Google Drive addresses privacy concerns with strong security measures. All files are encrypted in transit and at rest. Additionally, Google provides detailed information about its privacy practices and adheres to global privacy standards, ensuring that your data is protected.

Another concern is the flexibility of the subscription. Google makes it easy to cancel or downgrade your plan if your storage needs change. Subscriptions can be managed directly through your Google Account settings, so you only pay for what you need. For example, if you realize you need more storage for your HD drone footage, you can expand your subscription to 200 GB without any hassle.

Is a Paid Google Drive Subscription Worth the Money? Hannah Stryker / How-To Geek

Searching for the Google Drive app on my Pixel.

The answer depends on your personal considerations. At $1.99 per month, it's much cheaper than a Spotify Premium or Xbox Live subscription. It's also convenient for a variety of other apps. Portability and easy access over the Internet means you can access your files at any time. However, if paying for a monthly subscription seems like too much of a hassle, the 15 GB free tier is plenty to use. The downside is that you'll have to clear the files in it much more frequently. Given all that you're doing with a paid Google Drive subscription, it's worth the price you pay.




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