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Six notable announcements at the Google Pixel event in August

Six notable announcements at the Google Pixel event in August


Summer is here and all the big brands are unveiling their latest models. Motorola has unveiled the new Moto Razr and Razr+, while Samsung has announced that it will be hosting its Galaxy Unpacked event on July 10, where we can expect to see the unveiling of new foldables and smartwatches. But what has surprised us all is Google, who has announced that it will be hosting its Pixel hardware event on August 13, 2024.

The in-person event will take place in Mountain View, California, starting at 10AM PST on August 13th. While the date is still a ways off, a slew of leaks and rumors over the past few months have made it pretty clear what to expect from Google's upcoming Pixel event. All you can expect to see at a Made by Google event is new Pixel devices, the latest version of Android, an upgrade to Google Gemini, and more.

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1 Pixel 9 Series XL model returns alongside the Pixel 9 series

Source: rozetked

The star of the show is expected to be the Pixel 9 series, which Google has all but confirmed will debut at the August event. A teaser from Google Poland highlights the “IX” (Roman numeral 9) in the video. If that's not convincing enough, the URL for Google's official launch page ends with “pixel_9_pro”, seemingly confirming the debut of the Pixel 9 series.

The Google Pixel 9 is expected to have many upgrades over its predecessor, including a new flat-edge design. The Pixel 9 series will move away from the camera visor design seen since the Pixel 6 and adopt a unique oval-shaped camera module. We're not too fond of the leaked Pixel 9 renders, but the phone may look better in person. We can also expect improvements like a new Tensor G4 chipset and a modem that supports satellite connectivity.

Interestingly, leaks suggest that Google will be releasing two Pro smartphones this year: a base Pixel 9 Pro with a 6.3-inch screen for those looking for a smaller Pro flagship, and a larger Pixel 9 Pro XL model for those looking for a Pro flagship with a larger display. Apart from that, we can expect camera upgrades and a host of new AI and Gemini features. Maybe Google will be the first Android smartphone manufacturer to include Qi2 wireless charging.

2 Pixel Fold 2 Google's second-generation foldable device may also appear

Source: Google

Google released the first-generation Pixel Fold in June 2023. However, reviews were not as positive as expected, with the Pixel Fold lagging behind the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 and OnePlus Open in terms of multitasking capabilities, performance, and even design. That said, the Pixel Fold 2 seems on its way, and the foldable smartphone could debut alongside the Pixel 9 series at an event in August.

The Pixel Fold 2 is expected to sport a new flat-edge design inspired by the Pixel 9 series. Like the Pixel 9 series, the Pixel Fold 2 will also ditch the camera visor design in favor of a new square camera module. The device is also expected to be slimmer than the first-generation foldable and offer larger screens on both the inside and outside. In terms of specifications, the foldable should have the same specs as the Pixel 9.

3 Pixel Watch 3 The long-awaited large Pixel Watch may be released

The Google Pixel Watch 2 is one of the best Wear OS smartwatches available today, but many users found it a little small, and Google may finally be fixing that issue. Rumor has it that Google will release two models of the Pixel Watch 3: a standard model and an XL model with a larger display (and a bigger battery).

The rest of the Pixel Watch 3 may look similar to the previous model: a round, domed glass smartwatch with large bezels and a digital crown on the right side. It would be nice to see smaller bezels and an improved strap mechanism, but that doesn't seem to be on the cards for the Pixel Watch 3. But for all we know, the Pixel Watch 3 may add a faster processor and Ultra Wideband (UWB) support for Google's Find My Device.

4 Pixel Buds Pro 2 upgrade required

The Pixel Buds Pro may not be recognized as the best wireless earbuds, but they are still a solid choice for Android users. In fact, Google continues to update its flagship earbuds regularly with new features. However, it has been two years since its launch and it is time for an upgrade. It is unclear whether Google will unveil the second generation of the earbuds at the Pixel event, but recent leaks suggest that the announcement is imminent.

The next generation of Pixel earbuds are expected to have a larger battery, better sound quality, better noise cancellation (ANC), and possibly some AI integration. The new Nod feature on AirPods is great, so we expect the Pixel earbuds to have something similar. Also, some reports have suggested that Google may add UWB to the Pixel Buds Pro 2 for better tracking with Find My Device, but this is not very reliable.

5 New AI Features and Gemini Upgrade No Pixel event would be complete without new AI features

Ever since Google switched to a new design with the Pixel 6, the series has focused on software features and AI over flashy hardware and other gimmicks. The Pixel 6 introduced real-time translation, the Pixel 7 introduced a Magic Eraser for photos, and the Pixel 8 introduced a slew of AI features. The Pixel 9 series is expected to introduce even more AI features, presumably driven by an even more powerful in-device AI model. And we might see some of the Project Astra features in the next Google smartphone.

Official rollout of Android 15 has begun, the next big upgrade for devices is on the way

Android 15 might not have received as much attention at Google I/O as it did before (it was moved to the second day of the event), but it still comes with a ton of new features. Features like partial screen sharing, satellite connectivity, anti-theft, and private space will be coming to Android 15. Since the latest Pixel devices always launch with the latest version of Android, we expect Google to start the rollout or at least announce a rollout date shortly after the Pixel event.

Related: The 7 best features of Android 15 so far

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Pixel 9 series coming sooner than expected

Google moved up its Pixel hardware launch event by two months (from October last year), but this seems like the perfect time to announce new devices. With Samsung's new foldable device due to be announced next month, the Pixel 9 series a month later, and Apple's iPhone 16 series due to be announced in September, now is the perfect time to compare and decide which device to buy this fall.

Related: Pixel 9 Pro revealed in promotional video ahead of Google's August event

Pixel 9 Pro confirmed to have triple rear cameras




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