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Global medical innovation and AI-driven solutions in the spotlight

Global medical innovation and AI-driven solutions in the spotlight


Medical Taiwan 2024 attracted 280 exhibitors from 10 countries to promote the integration of technology in healthcare.

Imagine a hospital where AI systems can analyze symptoms and identify potential illnesses based on a patient's facial expressions, tone of voice and physiological data. Medical Taiwan 2024 put the spotlight on smart healthcare, showcasing tech innovations and solutions that envision a future where all of this is possible.

Seamless integration of technology and healthcare is a big goal today.

For example, AI-enhanced medical imaging can automatically highlight abnormalities to aid doctors in diagnosis, and intelligent robotic systems can enable surgeons to perform remote surgery with precision and dexterity.

For Taiwan's Vice President Hsiao Mei-jin, these examples are not of the distant future, but an imminent reality: We are on the brink of a medical revolution, where AI and technology will redefine how patients are diagnosed, treated and cared for, she said at the Medical Expo, held at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 2 from June 20 to 22.

NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang praised Taiwan as a backbone for AI innovation, a sentiment that resonates strongly in the medical field: AI is not just a tool, but an intelligent partner that enhances medical efficiency and accuracy, Huang said.

The technology chief said that in places such as Taiwan, AI is already improving the efficiency and quality of medical care, simplifying administrative tasks, and improving the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment.

The emergence of generative AI marks a significant milestone in human history, emerging as a crucial co-creator and intelligent partner in driving healthcare innovation and new business models.

From care to prevention

The global problem of population ageing calls for a shift from simple medical care to a comprehensive health system that includes prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.

According to Taiwan's Vice Minister of Health and Welfare, Lin Jing-yi, digital technology plays a key role in this transformation. The integration of digital health technologies is essential to building a sustainable and efficient healthcare system for an ageing society, Lin said.

With the widespread application of the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and AI, early warning systems for diseases, precise treatment, and effective health management for the elderly are becoming feasible.

This year's Medical Taiwan Show aims to showcase a comprehensive health and medical system in an aging society through innovative digital health and care technologies.

Beyond Healthcare

Organized by TAITRA, TaiNex 2, the medical, health, care and technology exhibition, attracted 280 exhibitors from 10 countries, filling a total of 460 booths.

With the theme “Beyond Healthcare!” and focusing on All-Age Healthcare, Smart Medical and Supply Chain Gallery, the event showcased Taiwan's medical innovations, including smart hospitals and home care.

The M-novator startup area showcased biomedical startups, presentation sessions and networking opportunities. Key events included a gala dinner, a procurement meeting and a forum of medical trends from Asia and Central and Eastern Europe.

Welcoming 4,060 pre-registered visitors, including 786 international participants from 50 countries, the event highlighted the global appeal and engagement in healthcare innovation.

Medical Taiwan will serve as a cooperation platform that brings together industry leaders and integrates upstream and downstream partners in the medical device industry. The event will also encourage cross-sector collaboration and showcase the strengths of Taiwan's medical technology sector. “Collaboration and innovation are key to developing our medical technology industry and ensuring its global competitiveness,” said Yang Chih-ching, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

The M-novator Zone, dedicated to startups, will inject energy and vitality into the industry, promoting innovative applications and best practices that are ready for market introduction. In addition, over 100 sourcing meetings and activities will be held during the exhibition, fostering international connections and exchanges, and promoting global engagement for Taiwanese companies.

Amidst the AI-driven industrial transformation, Medical Taiwan 2024 bears witness to healthcare evolving into a smarter, digitalized and patient-centric path, while also showcasing the valuable participation and support of healthcare professionals, enterprises, associations and government agencies.

Concluding his speech at the event, Xiao asserted: “We are committed to advancing healthcare through innovation to ensure that it meets and exceeds society's needs.”

“Together, we will move towards a future where smart healthcare not only meets but exceeds society's needs,” she added.




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