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Lithium Battery Market Report 2024

Lithium Battery Market Report 2024


The Lithium Battery Market Report 2024 provides an in-depth look at the sector's landscape, driving technological and environmental advancements. The report provides an overview of industry growth, innovation, and investment trends. It highlights the contributions of various stakeholders and explores the expanding workforce, surge in fundraising activity, and growing number of companies building new battery technologies.

This global lithium market outlook will serve as a reference for industry players, investors, policymakers and economic analysts, providing a snapshot of the industry's health to help chart the trajectory of innovation and growth in the coming years.

StartUs Insights Lithium Battery Market Report 2024

Executive Summary: Lithium Battery Market Report 2024

The report was compiled using data from the big data and AI-powered StartUs Insights Discovery platform, covering over 4.7 million companies worldwide, 20,000+ technologies and emerging trends. It also analyzes a sample of 800+ lithium battery startups developing innovative solutions and presents five examples of emerging trends in the lithium battery industry.

Industry Growth Overview: There are more than 6,230 companies in the lithium battery industry, with an annual growth rate of 5.27%. Talent and Employment Growth: The global employee base in the lithium battery industry is 873,000 people. Last year, the industry added 59,000 new employees. Patents and Grants: More than 17,380 technologies and innovations filed for patents, and the industry received more than 1,510 grants. Global Footprint: The top five country centers in the lithium battery industry are the United States, China, India, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Major urban centers include Shenzhen, Shanghai, Dongguan, Sydney, and Melbourne. Investment Environment: The average investment per funding round is US$64 billion. The industry has attracted more than 550 investors and completed more than 2,130 funding rounds. More than 710 companies have benefited from these investments.Key Investors: Key investors in this sector include the US Department of Energy, General Motors, and Addor Capital. Total investment by these top investors combined exceeded USD 1 billion. Startup Ecosystem: Five innovative startups highlighting the sector's global reach and entrepreneurial spirit include Safe-Li (fire-resistant battery technology), novali (high-voltage lithium metal batteries), Aerospace Lithium (iron-lithium battery technology), ElectraLith (direct lithium extraction and purification), and 8inks (multi-layer curtain coating). Recommendations for Stakeholders: To grow in this sector, entrepreneurs should explore fast-charging solutions and sustainable battery recycling opportunities to address key market needs. Investors should focus on solid-state and high-capacity lithium-sulfur batteries, and governments should increase grants and support for research into new battery technologies. Read our Data-Driven Lithium-Ion Battery Market Report 2024

Lithium-ion Battery Market Outlook 2024 leverages data from our discovery platform to compile key indicators that showcase the dynamic growth and innovation in this sector. The lithium battery industry is growing and innovating with over 800 startups and over 6,200 companies operating in the sector. Last year, the industry recorded a growth rate of 5.27%, reflecting its growing influence and importance.

Innovation is demonstrated with over 17,380 patent applications filed, indicating a pipeline of new technologies and advancements. Additionally, the industry is supported by 1,510 grants, highlighting investment and interest from a variety of stakeholders. The lithium battery industry employs 873,000 people worldwide. Last year, the industry added 59,000 new employees, indicating rapid expansion and an increasing demand for skilled professionals.

The top five country hubs for the lithium battery industry are the US, China, India, the UK and Australia. At the city level, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Dongguan, Sydney and Melbourne stand out as major hubs, driving innovation and start-up activity in the industry.

What data has been used to prepare this Lithium-ion Battery market report?

Based on the data provided by our Discovery Platform, we can see that the Lithium Battery industry ranks in the top 5% in the following categories compared to all 20,000 topics in our database: These categories provide a comprehensive overview of the industry's key metrics and inform the near-term future direction of the industry.

News Coverage and Publications: The industry has received extensive news coverage and publications with over 15,620 publications released last year. Funding Rounds: Data on the closing of over 2,130 funding rounds is available, indicating increased investment activity. Talent: The talent pool in the lithium battery industry is ample with over 873,000 workers. Over 59,000 new employees were added in the industry last year. Patents: With over 17,380 patents filed, the sector has potential for innovation. Grants: Financial support is notable with over 1,510 grants received by the industry. Increase in Annual Global Searches: There has been an 18% increase in annual global searches indicating growing interest and awareness in the sector. Other. Please contact us to see all data points used in the creation of this Lithium-ion Battery report. Global Lithium Battery Industry Snapshot

The lithium battery industry has grown in recent years and has seen significant investment. Currently, the industry has a sizable workforce with 873,000 employees. In the last year alone, the number of employees in the sector has increased by 59,000, indicating the rapid expansion of the industry and an increasing demand for skilled professionals. Furthermore, the lithium battery sector is home to 6,231 companies, making the industry characterized by a high level of activity and innovation.

Exploring the financing environment in the lithium battery industry

Lithium battery investment attracted an average investment of $63.9 billion per round, highlighting investors' financial support for the future potential of lithium battery technology. The industry attracted over 550 investors and participated in over 2,130 funding rounds.

This large number of investors reflects their interest and confidence in the sector's growth prospects. More than 710 companies have benefited from these investments, further promoting the development and innovation of the industry. These figures highlight the lithium battery industry's specialization in energy storage and technological advancements. With significant investment and the growth of talent and companies, the lithium battery industry has established itself as a major player in the global market.

Who is investing in lithium batteries?

The lithium battery industry has attracted investment from major investors, with total investment exceeding US$1 billion. This financial support highlights the industry's growth potential. Below are some of the major investors and their contributions:

These investments highlight the diverse range of players committed to advancing the lithium battery industry, with support coming from a range of sectors, from government agencies to venture capital firms, all of which recognize the role lithium batteries have in the future of energy storage and technology.

Access top lithium battery innovations and trends on our discovery platform

Portable power includes 873 companies. This segment employs 94,000 employees, indicating its workforce. Last year, 7,000 new employees joined the segment, highlighting its expansion. The annual growth trend of 14% confirms the demand for portable power solutions.

Lithium Polymer Technologies is made up of 295 companies with 25,000 employees. Over the past year, the segment added 2,000 new employees, a decline in annual growth rate of 2.32%.

Energy storage represents 11,890 companies, representing 1 million employees. Approximately 92,000 new employees were added in the past year. The annual trend growth rate of 4.93% reflects the growing need for efficient energy storage solutions to support renewable energy integration, grid stability, and electric vehicle infrastructure.

Top 5 Case Studies from 800+ Innovative Lithium Battery Startups

The 5 innovative startups below were selected based on data such as their business development trends, relevance, year of establishment, funding status, etc. Contact us to find all the promising startups, emerging trends or industry data specific to your needs and objectives.

Safe-Li develops fireproof battery technology

US-based startup Safe-Li is developing advanced fire-resistant lithium battery technology. The company's technology employs inorganic electrode support membranes to ensure high stability and safety. A ceramic separator within the battery improves performance by supporting high wettability with a 30 degree contact angle. This feature improves electrolyte distribution, improving the efficiency of the battery. Additionally, the battery uses a fire-resistant electrolyte to ensure safety and maintain performance with high retention capability over numerous cycles.

Novali manufactures high voltage lithium metal batteries

Belgian startup Novali produces high-voltage lithium metal batteries. Their battery cells combine a pure lithium metal anode, a high-voltage cathode, and a liquid electrolyte. The anode provides high energy density, improving the overall performance of the battery. The high-voltage cathode is cobalt-free and has a low nickel content, making it sustainable and affordable. Additionally, the startup optimizes the design and manufacturing, using nano-coatings on various components. This gives these cells a high range and charging speed.

Aerospace Lithium develops lithium-iron battery technology

Aerospace Lithium, a Chinese startup, is developing lithium iron phosphate battery cell technology. It utilizes double-sided extrusion coating technology to achieve uniform material distribution and high product consistency. This method reduces energy consumption costs and improves the efficiency of large cylindrical winding. The startup is also developing a detection terminal and monitoring platform for real-time battery operation analysis, including supply and demand data analysis, performance prediction, fault warning, and defect cause analysis.

ElectraLith offers direct lithium extraction and purification

Australian start-up ElectraLith directly extracts and purifies lithium using membrane separation technology in its DLE-R system. This technology eliminates water and harmful chemicals in the extraction process, making the process sustainable. The DLE-R system runs on renewable energy and produces lithium hydroxide in a single-step, modular and scalable process. The system applies to a variety of lithium sources, including brine, geothermal, oil fields, recycled materials and spodumene deposits. The system also reduces capital and operational expenditures while achieving high recovery rates.

8inks provides multi-layer curtain coating

Swiss start-up 8inks offers advanced electrode coating solutions using multi-layer curtain coating. The start-up's technology improves throughput and reduces costs by increasing coating speed for tera-scale production. The multi-layer curtain coating approach offers a wide range of thicknesses, including ultra-thin layers. In addition, it increases material flexibility and optimizes electrode properties for applications such as silicon anodes and solid electrolytes. It also improves energy and power density, cycle life, and safety.

Get comprehensive insights into lithium battery trends, startups and technology

The Lithium Battery Industry Report 2024 shows the growth and innovation shaping the sector. Advances in electrode design and sustainable materials are also addressing challenges such as safety and high production costs. The report highlights the strategic importance of continued investment and innovation in lithium battery technology to drive sustainable development. Contact us to learn more about all 800+ startups and scaleups and all industry trends impacting lithium battery companies.

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