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Solos AirGo Vision is a smart glass powered by Google Gemini

Solos AirGo Vision is a smart glass powered by Google Gemini


Smart glasses are a futuristic idea that hasn't been fully perfected yet, but the advent of generative AI has significantly improved the capabilities of these devices. Meta's Ray-Ban smart glasses have been considered by many to be one of the best options currently available, but now there's a rival emerging in the form of the Solos AirGo Vision, which also integrates Google Gemini support.

Solos is a lesser known brand that has been releasing affordable smart glasses for a while now, and this week the company announced its latest generation, the Solos AirGo Vision, which looks to be a solid multimodal option for AI-powered smart glasses.

Like the Ray-Ban model of Meta, AirGo Vision adds a camera to a product that previously only had a speaker. The camera is mounted on the right side of the frame and can use AI models, specifically OpenAI's GPT-4o, along with voice prompts to answer questions using images captured by the camera.

In a press release, Soros explained:

Powered by AI, AirGo Vision provides real-time information based on visual input, recognizing people and objects (what are you looking at), navigating and describing directions and landmarks (give me directions to the Eiffel Tower). With an emphasis on hands-free operation and convenience, users can also take photos without using their hands. This is especially useful for visually understanding the progress and next steps for activities like cooking, home improvement projects, education/studying, and even shopping (what are you looking at, how much is it, is there a better price elsewhere?). AI can also summarize these activities for better organization and assistance.

In addition to GPT-4o, AirGo Vision will also be able to use Anthropic's Claude and Google Gemini, though it's unclear whether either of these options can utilize the camera like GPT-4o can.

The camera can also be used to take normal images.

Beyond the AI, the glasses also feature a speaker and an LED light that can relay notifications from your phone, which Soros points out is not only useful in quiet and noisy environments, but also a handy accessibility feature.

Another notable aspect of this hardware is that Solos has designed these glasses with an interchangeable frame system, allowing users to remove the camera for certain setups as needed, or easily switch between clear lenses and sunglasses. Prices for additional frames start at $89.

Solos will start selling the AirGo Vision in July for $249, but that's for the base model without a camera (just a speaker and LED), so the total price will probably be quite a bit higher.

More about Gemini and AI:

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