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3 Stocks Leading Dividend Growth and Innovation

3 Stocks Leading Dividend Growth and Innovation


3 Stocks Leading Dividend Growth and Innovation

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For those looking for both growth and stable income, tech stocks with long track records of dividends are especially attractive. Here we look at three companies that embody these characteristics: Cisco Systems, Open Text Corporation, and Amdocs Limited.

Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems (NASDAQ:CSCO) is a global technology leader providing network and IT solutions worldwide with a portfolio of switching, enterprise routing, wireless access and computing systems products.

Cisco has paid a dividend for 14 years and has increased it for the past 13. In February, the company raised its quarterly dividend by 2.6% to $0.40 a share, or $1.60 annually, for a dividend yield of 3.48%.

Cisco has consistently beat consensus estimates for EPS and revenue over the last eight quarters. Over the past year, Cisco generated revenue of $55.36 billion and net income of $12.1 billion.

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Open Text Corporation

Open Text Corporation (NASDAQ:OTEX) provides comprehensive information management software and solutions. The company's services include content collaboration, records management, electronic signatures and archiving. Open Text also offers cybersecurity cloud solutions for threat detection, response and data protection.

Open Text has maintained its dividend payments for 12 consecutive years and has increased them for 11 years. The company pays quarterly dividends of $0.25 per share, or $1 per year, for a yield of 3.46%.

Over the past 12 months, Open Text generated revenue of $5.89 billion and net income of $168.1 million.


Amdocs Limited (NASDAQ:DOX) provides software and services to communications and media companies worldwide. The company designs, develops and sells an open, modular cloud portfolio to help service providers transition to the cloud, differentiate in the 5G era and automate operations.

Amdocs has paid a dividend for 13 consecutive years and has increased it for 12 years. The company pays a quarterly dividend of $0.479 per share, or $1.916 per share annually, for a yield of 2.51%.

Over the past 12 months, Amdocs generated revenue of $4.96 billion and net income of $527.9 million.

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There are better high-yield opportunities

The current high interest rate environment is creating an excellent opportunity for income-seeking investors to earn huge yields, and not just through dividend stocks… Certain private market real estate investments offer individual investors the opportunity to take advantage of these high-yield opportunities, and Benzinga has identified some of the most attractive options to consider.

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Don't miss out on this opportunity to take advantage of high-yield investments while interest rates are high. Check out Benzinga's favorite high-yield products.

2024 Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.

This article, “3 Stocks Leading Dividend Growth and Innovation,” originally appeared on




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