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First Lady Tammy Murphy: The Birth of America's Largest and Most Diverse Festival

First Lady Tammy Murphy: The Birth of America's Largest and Most Diverse Festival


It's no secret that New Jersey is home to one of the most vibrant, talented and diverse arts and cultural communities in the country.

For decades, arts institutions across the state have enriched the lives of New Jersey residents and talented performers, and other institutions such as Lionsgate Studios in Newark and Netflix in Fort Monmouth have recently established bases in the Garden State, helping to establish New Jersey as one of the world's leading film and production centers.

North 2 Shore: Complete Coverage

Our state is home to hundreds of dance studios, theaters, stages, innovation spaces and more, and one of the greatest joys of being New Jersey’s First Lady is traveling the state and seeing the incredible diversity of creativity and innovation that New Jersey has to offer.

For years, Phil and I wanted to showcase this program in a way that would speak to the depth and breadth of talent in our state. In looking at the success of other festivals around the country, we looked to South by Southwest in Austin, Texas and Bonnaroo in Manchester, Tennessee.

“However popular, these festivals lack diversity in their lineups and take place in states that, frankly, are destroying individual freedoms rather than protecting them. We knew New Jersey could do better. So we decided to find a way to showcase the state's diverse talent while providing artists with an environment that was more aligned with their values. And so the idea for North to Shore was born.

We worked closely with the New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC), the most diverse performing arts center in the country, and the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) to create the framework for the largest and most diverse festival in the state and even the nation.

Together, we've brought global headliners, local favorites, and emerging talent in music, film, tech, innovation, comedy, and thought leadership to the stages of three of New Jersey's most iconic cities: Newark, Asbury Park, and Atlantic City.

It quickly became clear that there was a strong demand for such a festival in New Jersey. In its first year, North to Shore attracted more than 220,000 attendees and generated approximately $8 million in total ticket sales. In addition to musical performances by dozens of artists, including Santana, the B-52s, and New Jersey natives Halsey and Southside Johnny, the festival also featured other local events highlighting issues important to New Jerseyans.

This year, they went a step further and hosted a variety of community events, including a tech panel with AfroTech and maternal and child health talks with NJPAC. Organized by Prudential Financial, North to Shore is on track to raise more than $13 million in total revenue, even though two-thirds of the event program will be free and open to the public.

A portion of ticket sales from select events will be donated to Growing Healthy Pantries, a partnership between organizations that supports 900 food pantries across all 21 counties to promote healthy food choices and improve the overall health of New Jerseyans.

With 243 events booked across host cities, our festival has something for everyone, and we're proud to have allocated more than $500,000 in expenses and community grants to ensure local artists have the opportunity to perform at North to Shore 2024, in addition to headliners such as Bleachers, Keyshia Cole, Kevin Hart and Barenaked Ladies.

I'm pleased that North to Shore is produced by NJPAC, New Jersey's largest arts-focused nonprofit, which was very important to Phil and I. We didn't want North to Shore to be a festival that comes once a year, makes some revenue, and then leaves the state.

With NJPAC at the helm, North to Shore engages with the host city's arts and culture community year-round, working with residents to make the festival their own, ensuring North to Shore continues to grow in size and impact and stays Jersey-like in 2025 and beyond.

Tammy Murphy is the First Lady of New Jersey.

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