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New life for Downtown as an innovation district

New life for Downtown as an innovation district


Editor's note: This article appears in the Summer 2024 issue of Governing magazine, which you can subscribe to here .

In certain sectors, part-time or full-time remote work has become a structural feature of the post-pandemic economy. As a result, cities need to act quickly to diversify their downtowns. To do so, they can’t rely solely on the office-and-leisure strategies of the past two decades, but rather return to their historic role as hubs of enterprise and innovation.

Many cities are beginning to focus on maximizing office space for residential use. This move is essential, but cities need to go further and connect their downtown revitalization to the megatrends and unprecedented federal spending that are reshaping the entire U.S. economy. A new economic order is emerging in the United States, driven by the reshoring of manufacturing, decarbonizing the economy, and transformative federal and state investments in climate, defense, manufacturing, and infrastructure.

Given the land, energy and logistical demands of many industrial facilities, this new geography will span metropolitan areas. But downtowns can play a fundamental role in this economic restructuring, as this new order demands continuous innovation in technologies, financial products, market processes and institutions.

Of course, downtowns won't suddenly become home to mega-semiconductor facilities, but they could become platforms for universities, medical facilities, innovative parts of major industrial companies, advanced research centers and laboratories, startups and large corporations in fields like defense technology, clean tech, medtech, and fintech, and help lead the transition to climate-friendly buildings, renewable energy, and a modern electric grid.

Some of this movement is already underway. In Newark, New Jersey, hard tech incubator HAX is attracting pre-seed startups focused on emerging clean tech, robotics, neurotech, and biomanufacturing, revitalizing a historic department store as the hub of a new entrepreneurial ecosystem. In Chicago, Fulton Labs in the West Loop has become a magnet for bioscience companies and research labs. In Syracuse, New York, HII, the nation’s largest military shipbuilder, opened a new engineering facility in a former department store. In Dayton, Ohio, fast-growing advanced air mobility company Infinity Labs has secured space in the historic Dayton Arcade. Even in San Francisco, the epicenter of the city’s doom loop, a surge in generative AI startups is driving an early recovery in the commercial real estate sector.

As downtowns become new innovation hubs, federal and state infrastructure investments could also be mobilized to enable mixed-use innovation campuses by renovating or converting highways and rail yards and leveraging underutilized public land around transit and train stations. This, too, is underway. In New Haven, Connecticut, renovations to Route 34 are enabling the creation of Downtown Crossing, a burgeoning innovation district anchored by cutting-edge life science research at Yale University. In Philadelphia, plans to revitalize the 30th Street Station will further spur the growth of a gene and cell therapy hub home to Drexel University, the University of Pennsylvania, top hospitals, and companies like Spark Therapeutics.

Federal leadership will be key to expanding these organic efforts. In the late 1970s, President Jimmy Carter signed an executive order prioritizing downtown office space for federal agencies. A 2024 version could direct the Department of Defense to use vacant downtown office space for defense-related research, development and technology companies, as well as housing for defense employees.

If cities can fully embrace the possibilities of a new economic order, to paraphrase Mark Twain, the disappearance of America's downtowns will be greatly exaggerated.

Governings opinion columns reflect the opinions of their writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Governings editors or management.




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