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Innovation and sustainability with Pramac Generac's expanded BESS product range

Innovation and sustainability with Pramac Generac's expanded BESS product range


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The Group continues to expand its portfolio of mobile battery energy storage systems to better adapt capacity and power to the new requirements of the rental market.

Pramac Generac Group is a global reference in the manufacture of generators, battery energy storage systems, mobile lighting towers and warehouse material handling equipment.

With a strong focus on innovation and sustainability, the Group has diversified its product portfolio over the years to meet constantly evolving market needs, offering advanced energy solutions aimed at reducing environmental impact.

Strengthening its commitment to a more sustainable future, the Group is stepping up efforts to expand its eco-friendly product portfolio, with a focus on expanding its range of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) with the introduction of several new solutions.

BESS are energy storage solutions designed to store energy generated from renewable sources or from the power grid and redistribute it later. These systems can be used in standalone mode or combined with any diesel generator in a hybrid configuration. For example, BESS can be used to ensure continuity of power supply in remote areas not reached by the power grid or to optimize energy consumption at work sites to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

BESS units are designed specifically for the rental market and can be used in a variety of applications including construction, events, mining, EV charging, and more. Deploying a BESS at a job site provides a clean, sustainable solution to power the site during periods of low energy demand, such as overnight and weekends, providing customers with reliable, clean energy for nearly any application.

Depending on the size and model, BESS are available with AGM, lead-acid or LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) batteries. While AGM and lead-acid batteries are proven technologies, tried, tested and cost-effective, LFP technology features a longer service life made possible by more charge and discharge cycles. Furthermore, LFP ensures excellent thermal performance, maintaining optimal performance even in extreme temperatures both during charging and discharging.

The series consists of several models covering power nodes from 5 to 60 kVA, with the battery capacity being the key factor determining the system autonomy from 24 to 144 kWh. The scalability and modularity of these systems allows adapting capacity and power to specific customer needs. In the coming months, the series will be further expanded with even larger capacity solutions to meet the needs of the most power-hungry applications.

The expansion of the BESS series is just one step on the path towards a more innovative and sustainable future for Pramac-Generac Group. With the continuous development of new technologies and products, the Group remains a leading player in the fields of renewable energies and energy efficiency, proving that sustainable innovation is the key to a better energy future.




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