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James Thomas appointed as Comtech's first government relations leader

James Thomas appointed as Comtech's first government relations leader


Vice President of Government Relations opens new doors for Comtec

James Thomas' appointment as Comtech's vice president of government relations earlier this month presents an exciting opportunity for him to help Comtech shape important policies that will positively impact our customers and the world, James explained.

The hiring of James Thomas marks a key milestone in Comtec's growth trajectory. With Thomas joining the company, Comtec welcomes experienced talent into the company at a critical time, as Comtec's groundbreaking technology plays an increasingly vital role in connectivity solutions that transform, save and improve lives around the world.

Navigating today's political and policy environment is both challenging and rewarding, says James, who has spent most of his nearly 20-year career in Washington, DC educating and advocating to lawmakers on a wide range of policies, from international trade issues to space and emerging satellite communications and sensor technologies. These technologies will be particularly beneficial to ComTech as it advances its core campaigns to transform technology, national security and connectivity around the world.

His broad expertise has been honed by experience in Congress, the Executive Branch under two Presidential Administrations, the Department of Defense, and more recently the private sector. Prior to joining ComTech, Thomas served as Director of Government Relations for National Security Programs at Leidos, bringing to the table what he calls his “triple expertise” in two branches of government and the corporate world.

“I have had valuable experience in both the legislative and executive branches of government, as well as in the private sector. I am honored to take on this role at ComTec and share the incredible breakthroughs and innovative work our team is making with key decision makers in Washington,” said James. “Today's technology trajectory has created an increasingly complex environment, requiring equally sophisticated ground- and satellite-based solutions to make the lives of our communities, our Soldiers and our world safer.”

“Having navigated the complexities of Washington politics and policy for nearly two decades, James brings extensive experience to the Comtech team,” said John Rattigan, Comtech's interim CEO. “We're excited to welcome this Marine Corps veteran to share Comtech's vision and secure communications capabilities with policymakers and government customers.”

We have always strived for service and contribution to society.

James enrolled at the University of Dayton in 2000 with the goal of becoming a lawyer. During his sophomore year, on September 11, 2001, his life plans changed in an instant.

“Immediately feeling a calling to serve, I took time off school to enlist in the Marine Corps Reserves,” James recalls, and was called up and deployed to Iraq in 2003. When I returned to finish my classes, it was a big election year and a professor connected me to an internship with a presidential campaign in Ohio, a key battleground state at the time.

It was a sign of a future that was abruptly interrupted, as Thomas deployed again to Iraq in 2005. Soon after returning, James got a call from the White House, offering him a job as a junior staff member. It was a great experience, James said. “But I got into the Commerce Department and started learning about the political process and understanding the impact that lawmakers and committees have on the economy, business and trade agreements. I was fascinated by it.”

In 2009, James joined the advocacy team for then-freshman Rep. Duncan Hunter, also a Marine and Iraq War veteran. Six years later, he jumped into the private sector at the National Defense Industrial Association, a trade group of which ComTec is a member, representing lawmakers and their staff on policy issues affecting the defense industry.

His next assignment was at the Pentagon, where he served in several positions in the Department of Defense, most notably as Senior Advisor to the Secretary and Under Secretary of the Air Force, and then as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Senate Affairs. In this capacity, James served as Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense and Deputy Secretary of Defense, responsible for advocating Department of Defense policy, strategy, and the annual budget to the U.S. Congress, as well as managing the Senate confirmation process for the Department of Defense's senior leadership positions, including the Secretary of Defense and Deputy Secretary of Defense.

James' career has countless highlights, but one of his greatest accomplishments was working with the Senate to pass legislation that ultimately created the Space Force. It was a unique experience to have a small part in the creation of a branch of the military that now benefits from our comprehensive satellite ground station technology.

Take action now

James, who spent four years at Leidos, managing government relations through an internal restructuring and leadership change, is already working tirelessly in the capital to raise awareness of Comtec's achievements and future roadmap.

James said the next 90 days will be focused on thoroughly understanding the company's core competencies and capabilities and deploying best practices to reinvigorate Comtech's political action committee (PAC) and government relations functions, ensuring key lawmakers understand the capabilities Comtech brings to critical commercial and government markets, from bridging the digital divide to empowering emergency services and warfighters with unprecedented connectivity.

James cites Comtech's groundbreaking connectivity solutions and technology as one of the main reasons he decided to join the company: Service and giving back have always been important to me, and I look forward to working with the Comtech team to think outside the box and solve the problems and challenges facing our local communities and military.

James believes it is our duty to ensure that our warfighters are adequately funded to execute their missions as effectively and safely as possible. While the battlefield is constantly changing and adapting, ComTec has consistently demonstrated its ability to deliver new innovations that provide an advantage to U.S. and allied forces, James explained. At a time of great pressure on the defense budget, showcasing the company's success stories and evolving requirements to lawmakers and policymakers reviewing bills and budgets will be a top priority.

James Thomas lives in Northern Virginia, just a short drive from Washington DC, which has had a profound impact on his life and career. Washington has given me incredible opportunities, and I look forward to taking on the best opportunity yet at ComTec. I will bring together key insights from various teams at ComTec and represent our people and groundbreaking accomplishments to Congress, where Congress is ultimately where it matters when it comes to raising awareness and funding for our customers, partners, and groundbreaking solutions.

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