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Samsung adds Matter 1.2 support to SmartThings

Samsung adds Matter 1.2 support to SmartThings


Samsung SmartThings will be the first major smart home platform to fully support Matter 1.2. According to a press release, the SmartThings platform currently runs on Matter 1.2, allowing manufacturers and developers to integrate compatible devices into the platform. The SmartThings app will not be updated to support Matter until later this summer, so Matter-enabled Roborock robot vacuums and Midea dishwashers cannot be controlled via SmartThings until then.

Samsung also announced several other updates to its smart home platform, including app design improvements, new device control options, Hub backup options, shareable routines, and gamification of SmartThings Energy features.

SmartThings' support for Matter 1.2 means that home appliances added to the new smart home standard jointly developed by Apple, Amazon, Google, Samsung and others will now work with Samsung's smart home platform.

This includes refrigerators, room air conditioners, dishwashers, washing machines, robot vacuums, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, air quality sensors, air purifiers and electric fans. You can add devices directly to the SmartThings app via Matter, control them and receive notifications and alerts through the app.

The SmartThings platform already supports many of these devices, including its own Samsung brand as well as products from other manufacturers (Thermador, Bosch, Dacor, etc.), though this is typically done through cloud integration.

Matter enables these integrations locally, which improves response times and allows you to control your devices even when the internet is down. Samsung connected appliances work with the SmartThings app, but they are not Matter certified, meaning they only work with the SmartThings app, but Matter appliances will work with any smart home platform that supports Matter.

Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Apple Home have not yet added support for Matter 1.2.

However, the other major platforms, Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Apple Home, have yet to add support for Matter 1.2. Apple has announced support for robot vacuums later this year, but nothing has been announced yet for other device types. Home Assistant supports Matter 1.2, but its integration with Matter is still in beta. Matter 1.3 was announced in May, adding support for energy management, microwaves, ovens, electric stoves, range hoods, and electric dryers, but it is unclear when broad platform support will arrive.

There are currently only a handful of Matter-certified appliances in the newly supported categories, including the Roborocks S8 MaxV Ultra, Ecovacs Deebot X2 Combo robot vacuum, and AiDots air purifiers. But now that one of the major platforms has announced support, it's likely manufacturers will enable Matter in their own appliances. Whirlpool (which owns KitchenAid and Maytag), Midea, LG, and Haier (which owns GE Appliances) are all well-known brands that have announced their products will support Matter.

what happened?

Matter is a new smart home interoperability standard designed to give connected devices a common language to communicate locally in the home, without relying on cloud connectivity. It is built to be secure, private, easy to set up and broadly compatible.

Developed by Apple, Amazon, Google, Samsung (and others), Matter is an open-source, IP-based connectivity software layer for smart home devices. It runs on top of Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and the low-power mesh networking protocol Thread, and currently supports over 30 device types, including lights, thermostats, locks, refrigerators, dishwashers, dryers, ovens, smoke detectors, air quality monitors, EV chargers, and more.

Smart home gadgets bearing the Matter logo can be set up and used in the Matter-compatible ecosystem via a Matter controller and controlled simultaneously, a feature called Multi-Admin.

Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Samsung SmartThings and Apple Home are some of the major smart home platforms that support Matter, along with hundreds of other device manufacturers.

Beyond the Matter update, Samsung also announced several other enhancements to the platform: It's adding a new Hub Manager interface to the SmartThings app, allowing you to manage multiple hubs in one place, which gives you the option to select a primary hub, as well as a new Hub Backup feature, so if you have multiple SmartThings hubs, your secondary hub will take over if your primary hub fails.

SmartThings has significantly expanded its hub infrastructure in recent years, adding SmartThings hubs to TVs, soundbars, and smart refrigerators. With a hub backup feature, your smart home will continue to work even if one hub is unplugged, fails, or is replaced, as you likely have multiple hubs in your home. Most of Samsung's new SmartThings hubs support Thread, Zigbee, and Matter, but only the Aeotec SmartThings hub also supports Z-Wave.

Samsung Galaxy smartphone users can now enjoy a new quick access device control feature, allowing them to select devices to add to their home control page in the phone's quick panel, allowing them to adjust the TV volume or change the brightness of their lights without having to open the SmartThings app.

SmartThings Energy has been gamified. Use energy management features to save 400Wh a day and earn Samsung Rewards. Image: Samsung SmartThings

Energy management is a key feature of the smart home, and SmartThings' energy management service, SmartThings Energy, is one of the more powerful options. Now, Samsung has added some great gamification features to the platform, which allows you to view and manage the energy usage of your compatible appliances to save energy. With Samsung's AI Energy Mode, which automatically adjusts the energy usage of your appliances, you can earn energy stamps for every 400Wh of electricity you save per day. These stamps can be converted into Samsung Rewards and used on for Samsung products.

The SmartThings app interface has also seen some updates. The Devices tab now shows Rooms as top-level tabs, making it easier to manage your devices by room. Device search has also been improved to help you find what you need faster. Device cards also now show more user-friendly information, such as the device's status. For example, a door lock will now show whether it's locked or unlocked.

You can now also share the routines and automations you create in the app with friends and family. Shareable routines allow you to generate a QR code for the routine you create that others can scan to activate it in the SmartThings app.

These are mostly incremental improvements to the platform, but if they work as advertised, they're welcome updates that will make managing your smart home with SmartThings easier and more reliable. The platform has also led the way with the adoption of Matter, and while Matter is still a long way from the smooth, seamless smart home experience it promised, SmartThings offers one of the most robust implementations.




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