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Create a Free Trial Cluster | AlloyDB for PostgreSQL | Google Cloud

Create a Free Trial Cluster | AlloyDB for PostgreSQL | Google Cloud


This page describes the process of creating and managing an AlloyDB free trial cluster.

For more information about AlloyDB free trial clusters, see AlloyDB free trial cluster overview.

Before you begin, log in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products work in your real-world scenario. New customers also receive $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.

In the Google Cloud console, on the project selection page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

Note: If you don't plan to keep the resources that you create in this procedure, create a project instead of selecting an existing project. After you complete these steps, you can delete the project to delete all resources associated with it.

Go to Project Selector

Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

In the Google Cloud console, on the project selection page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

Note: If you don't plan to keep the resources that you create in this procedure, create a project instead of selecting an existing project. After you complete these steps, you can delete the project to delete all resources associated with it.

Go to Project Selector

Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

There are no charges for free trial cluster and instance resources, however, you will be charged data transfer costs for connections outside the region, connections over the public internet, and for retrieving and storing your final backup. For more information, see Trial Inclusions and Terms.

Note: If you delete a free trial cluster, you cannot create it again in the same project. Create a free trial cluster console

When you create a free trial cluster, a primary instance is created automatically.

In the Google Cloud console,[クラスタ]Go to the page.

Go to Cluster

Click Create a free cluster.

[基本情報]Section[クラスター ID]In the field, enter a name for your cluster (for example, my-trial-cluster).

In the Password field, enter the desired password. This password will be used to connect to the default database.

[場所]Section[リージョン]In the field, select a region (for example, us-central1 (Iowa)).

In the Database version field, leave the default value.

[ネットワーク]Under, select Default.

If you haven't yet set up private services access, you'll see a dialog labeled “Private Services Access Connection Required.”

[プライベート サービス アクセス接続が必要です]In the dialog, to create a private services access connection, perform the following steps:

Click “Connection Settings”.

A new pane will appear labeled “Enable Service Networking API”.

pane, select Use automatically assigned IP ranges.

Click Continue.

Click Create Connection and wait for the connection configuration to complete.

[サービス ネットワーキング API の有効化]The pane is removed.

Click Create a free cluster.

After you create your free trial cluster, you'll be redirected to an overview page where you can view the primary instance in the Instances in Cluster section and other information about your cluster, such as the number of days remaining in your trial.


To use the gcloud CLI, install and initialize the Google Cloud CLI, or use the Cloud Shell.

Use the gcloud alloydb clusters create and gcloud alloydb instance create commands to create your cluster and primary instance, respectively.

gcloud alloydb cluster creates CLUSTER_ID \ –password=PASSWORD \ –region=REGION_ID \ –subscription-type=TRIAL gcloud alloydb instance creates INSTANCE_ID \ –instance-type=PRIMARY \ –cpu-count=8 \ –region=REGION_ID \ –cluster=CLUSTER_ID \

Replace the following:

CLUSTER_ID: The ID of the cluster you want to create. It must start with a lowercase letter and can contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.

PASSWORD: The password to use for the default postgres user.

REGION_ID: The region in which to place the cluster.

CLUSTER_ID: The ID of the free trial cluster in which to place the instance.

Add a read pool instance

You can add a single read pool instance with 8 vCPU compute capacity to your free trial cluster.

In the Google Cloud console,[クラスタ]Go to the page.

Go to Cluster

Click on your free trial cluster in the Resource Name column.

Go to the cluster's instances section and click Add read pool.

Configure a read pool instance.

In the Read pool instance ID field, enter the ID of the read pool instance.

In the Node count field, the node count value for pool instances in a free-trial cluster is automatically set to 1 and cannot be changed.

Click Create Read Pool.

Optional: Import a DMP file

If you want to import a DMP file that contains a logical backup of a PostgreSQL database, you can do so by using the pg_dump and pg_restore utilities.

For more information, see Importing a DMP File.

Upgrade your free trial cluster

You can upgrade your free-trial cluster at any time during the 30-day free trial period.

In the Google Cloud console,[クラスタ]Go to the page.

Go to Cluster

In the Resource Name column, click the free trial cluster you just created.

[概要]On the page,[試用期間の残り日数]Field[今すぐアップグレード]Click.

[マシン]Section[マシン タイプ]In the field, select the machine type you want to upgrade.

To start the upgrade, click Upgrade Now.

Once the upgrade is complete, the overview page will no longer display the number of days remaining in your trial period and all limitations applied to your free trial cluster will be removed.

What's next?




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