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Aston Martin wows crowds with dynamic display at Goodwood Festival of Speed


An incredible line-up of Aston Martin sports cars have been brought together to add speed and exuberance to the 2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed, including the Valkyrie, Valeur, Valiant, Victor and Vantage. The Aston Martin Valiant will make its world debut at Goodwood, with two-time Formula 1 World Champion Fernando Alonso at the wheel on Friday. The 2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed ​​will run from 11th to 14th July.

Gaydon, UK, 1 July: Aston Martin will bring speed and exuberance to the 2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed ​​(11-14 July) as it takes on the famous Goodwood Hill Climb with the highlights of its ultra-luxury sports car range, including Valkyrie, Valeur, Valiant, Victor and Vantage.

The Festival of Speed, held every July at Goodwood, is the highlight of the British summer. The event has become an unmissable pilgrimage for speed enthusiasts from all over the world who come to enjoy the sights and sounds of the world's greatest sports cars driven by racing stars of the past, present and future.

This year, festival-goers will be engulfed in an exciting Aston Martin-sponsored event to witness the world debut of the Aston Martin Valiant, a highly limited edition, track-focused, road-legal special edition car built at the personal request of Aston Martin Aramco Formula One Team driver and two-time Formula One World Champion Fernando Alonso, who will drive the new car at Goodwood on Friday. Embodying Aston Martin's commitment to building pure driver's cars, the Valiant is sure to be one of the stars of the show, especially with its Muncher-inspired finish that pays homage to the legendary Aston Martin Le Mans race car.

Joining the Valiant in the supercar paddock and at the Goodwood Hill Climb will be a truly impressive line-up of Aston Martins.

Aston Martin's groundbreaking hypercar, Valkyrie, is back. The crowd-pleasing, attention-grabbing car made its dynamic debut at Goodwood in 2021 and now serves as the inspiration for the new Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR-LMH hypercar, which is set to return the brand to sports car racing's top echelon in 2025.

Next up is the Valour, created to celebrate Aston Martin's 110th anniversary. With a bespoke six-speed manual transmission and a unique combination of a 5.2-litre twin-turbo V12 engine for maximum driver engagement and timeless classic appeal, the Valour is the last of an iconic car of its era.

Described by Top Gear as the hypercar that never existed in the '80s, the one-of-a-kind Aston Martin Victor has been built by the brand's unique personalisation service, Q by Aston Martin, and is fitted with a manual gearbox and, of course, a V12 engine. The Festival of Speed ​​will offer a rare opportunity to see this unique car in action on a hillclimb and up close in the supercar paddock.

Launched just a few months ago, the new Aston Martin Vantage is Aston Martin's true sports car focused model. The latest model to bear the proud Vantage moniker continues the brand's tradition of creating powerful front-engine, rear-wheel drive sports cars designed to deliver the ultimate thrills and maximum confidence. The Vantage is at the heart of the Aston Martin brand and this new model embodies the brand in every way.

The Motorsport Paddock will also feature the new Aston Martin Vantage, as well as Formula 1's official one-off FIA Safety Car and the new 2024 Vantage GT3 race car which will compete in series around the world, including the FIA ​​World Endurance Championship.

Joining all the V models at Goodwood will be the Aston Martin DB12, the world's first super tourer and pioneer of a new generation of sports cars. Also on display in the First Glance paddock is the new DBX707, showcasing a striking new interior design with the latest infotainment system developed in-house by Aston Martin.

Marco Mattiacci, Global Chief Brand & Commercial Officer, said: “For those who worship at the temple of speed, the Festival of Speed ​​is the highlight of the season. We are proud to be part of this fantastic annual celebration of speed and are delighted to be offering an extensive line-up of Aston Martin sports cars this year, as well as the latest specification of the DBX707. We look forward to this event every year as it is a fantastic opportunity to showcase our brand to true enthusiasts of sports cars.”

The 2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed ​​will start on July 11th and run until July 14th.





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