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Egbin runs Bright Zima Innovation Centre to spark creativity | Technology | Business

Egbin runs Bright Zima Innovation Centre to spark creativity | Technology | Business


In a move that underscores its commitment to promoting education, Egbin Power, a leading Nigerian power generation company, has commissioned the establishment of an Innovation Centre aimed at equipping students with the entrepreneurial, practical and creative skills required to thrive in the modern education environment.

The state-of-the-art facility, named ‘Bright Gyima Innovation Centre’, is located within the Powerfields Group of Schools in Ikorodu, owned by Egbin Power, part of the Sahara Group.

The centre will provide students with the opportunity to gain skills in Information Technology (IT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and explore creativity in the fields of art, music, culinary and hospitality.

Felix Ohulu, Head of Corporate Communications and Branding, Egbin Power, said the initiative was aimed at creating a dynamic learning environment that would foster creativity and innovation.

“This facility will open doors to exciting career opportunities for learners and serve as a beacon of hope for inclusive and quality education, with the potential to revolutionise education in our society,” he said.

Ofuruye stressed the company’s commitment to developing future leaders who will drive Nigeria’s progress and prosperity.

“This initiative demonstrates our dedication to promoting education and underlines our readiness to continuously develop future leaders. The skills acquired here will enable learners to become architects of success and support socio-economic growth,” he added.

Speaking on behalf of the Board of Governors of Powerfields Group of Schools, Sahara Group Director of Governance and Sustainability, Ejiro Gray, stressed the importance of equipping students with skills for the future.

She said:

“At Sahara Group, sustainability goes beyond the boundaries of our organisation to make a positive impact on society. We aim to provide the right platform for our students to learn and apply their skills so that they can compete globally.”

Gray further said the Innovation Centre is a transformative initiative that will provide in-demand 21st century skills and enable students to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and become innovators.

Powerfield Group School Administrator, Ngozi Emezue, said the facility would provide experiential learning, boost students’ self-confidence and enable them to apply theoretical knowledge in practical applications.

“This centre is an important investment in our future and will play a vital role in developing the next generation of leaders and innovators. The board and leadership team are excited to see the impact the Innovation Hub will have on students, teachers and the surrounding community,” she said.


“This also facilitates the continuous professional development of our teachers. This has added to our value proposition and given us a competitive advantage because not many schools have facilities like this. So I would like to commend all those who made this possible,” Emezue said.

President, Parents Teachers Association (PTA), Mr Matthew Amadi, commended the Governing Council for continuously raising standards and making the school a one-stop learning institution that stands out from the rest.

“With the establishment of this Innovation Centre, Powerfields School further enhances its position as an exemplary educational institution where students can acquire quality education and practical skills, broaden their horizons beyond textbooks, give them an edge and become creative and competitive to excel globally.”

Chairman, Governing Council of Powerfields Group of Schools, Mr Tope Sonubi, Mr Olubunmi Olukoju, Mr Tolulope Olojo, Mr Mukhtar Bakare, Mr Akodu Kamaldeen among others attended the ceremony.

In her speech, Bright Gyimah’s daughter, Caroline Uzoigwe, commended the board and management of Egbin Power for naming the Innovation Centre after her late father who was a former General Manager of the plant.

She said:

“Education is no longer just about classrooms and textbooks, it is also about being able to put knowledge into practice and put it into action, which is why this Innovation Centre is so important. It is commendable and significant. The management deserves praise for this initiative as it demonstrates their commitment to the growth and development of their schools, their students and the education sector.”

The Innovation Hub will have an artificial intelligence lab where students can learn, create and deploy applications.

LR, School Administrator, Powerfields Group of Schools, Mr. Ngozi Emezue, Mr. Bright Gyima’s daughter, Ms. Caroline Uzoigwe, Chairman, Governing Board, Powerfields Group of Schools, Mr. Tope Sonubi, Member, Governing Board, Mr. Mufuta Bakare, Chairman, Parents Teachers Association (PTA), Powerfields Schools, Mr. Akodu Kamaldi, Member, Governing Board, at the official opening of the Bright Gyima Innovation Centre, Powerfields Group of Schools, Ikorodu, Lagos.

Fully equipped kitchen and hospitality labs provide specialist training and skills in catering and hospitality. The centre also has facilities like music lab, IT lab, art studio and an auditorium.

Egbin Power has consistently demonstrated its commitment to education through initiatives such as an annual scholarship programme for public primary and secondary school students, donation of furniture, educational materials and solar-powered wells to schools in host communities and celebrating special events with students.

This initiative is aligned with the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 4, which aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. By providing access to quality education and empowering future generations, Egbin Power is contributing to building a more sustainable and prosperous future.

The programs offered at the Innovation Center are tailored to meet the current demands in the educational field and fully prepare students to excel academically and internationally.





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