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35 Institutions Recognized for Excellence in Teaching and Innovation in the 2024 Anthology Catalyst Awards

35 Institutions Recognized for Excellence in Teaching and Innovation in the 2024 Anthology Catalyst Awards


BOCA RATON, Fla., July 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Anthology, a leading provider of education solutions supporting the entire learner lifecycle, today announced the winners of its 2024 Catalyst Awards, which recognize drivers of innovation and excellence in higher education. Honorees were honored in eight categories and were selected by Anthology's cross-functional team of experts, representing the best in their fields.

This year, 35 winners were selected from 108 nominees representing educational institutions in 19 countries. The winners will be honored at the Anthology Together conference, one of the world's largest EdTech conferences, taking place July 15-17 in Orlando, Florida.

Winners also included teams from Marshall University, University of Washington and Sam Houston State University.

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“The Catalyst Awards recognize what is at the heart of higher education and technology: working together to advance student success. It's inspiring to see the creative programs and amazing results,” said Bruce Dahlgren, Anthology's CEO. “I'm personally honored to work with such an incredible community of innovators and educators, collaborating to deliver bold solutions that meet the needs of students and those who support them.”

2024 Anthology Catalyst Award Category Winners:

Evaluation and Organizational Effectiveness: This award recognizes an organization that has used Anthology solutions to successfully grow their evaluation practice and impact positive behavior change.

Keiser University – Online Division, USA: Online Academic Team – Shelley Olsen, Neha Prakash, Marcel Lalonde Odessa College, USA: Institutional Effectiveness Division – Connie May University of Cincinnati, USA: Tracy Stehler University of the District of Columbia, USA: Center for Learning Advancement and Office of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging: This award recognizes an institution that is using Anthology solutions to leverage technology to advance diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging practices, ensuring that their services are fully inclusive and support all learners.

Grupo Ser Educacional, Brazil: EaD Management – Janyo Diniz, Joaldo Diniz, Enzo Moreira, Francislene Hasmann, Sergio Murilo University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain: Dr. Mazen Ali University of Derby, UK: PLT: Digital Learning and Online Content Team University of Illinois at Chicago, USA: Landen Dixon

Institutional Advancement: This award recognizes an institution that has made a significant difference using Anthology solutions to improve the alumni and donor experience.

Morehead State University, USA: Alumni Relations and Development: Jessi Ferguson, Allie Rayburn, Shelley Thurmont University of Louisville, USA: Communications and Marketing – Jessica Watts and Natalie Tracy University of Washington, USA: University Advancement

Leading Change: This award recognizes an institution at the forefront of education innovation that has used Anthology solutions to implement transformational initiatives that drive change and measurable outcomes on campus and in the academic ecosystem.

Central Michigan University, USA: Office of Curriculum and Instructional Support – Marnie Roestel Grand Valley State University, USA: GVSU eLearning Technologies Northumbria University, University of Southampton, College of DuPage, WSU Tech, UK and USA. International Ally User Group: Kristen McCartney-Bulmer, Northumbria University, Matthew Deeprose, University of Southampton, Krystal Iseminger, WSU Tech, and Lara Tompkins, Du Page Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University College, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Dean of the School of eLearning and Distance Education – Dr. Muneerah B. Almahasheer Malaya College Laguna, Philippines: Map of Laguna 4Cers – Dr. Dodjie S. Maestrecampo, Anthony Hilmer S. Medrano, Maribel G. Songsong, Dr. Ramachandra C. Torres, Christian Dominic V. Kare, John Mark L. Almarez

Student Experience: This award recognizes educational institutions that are using technology to develop instructional and administrative innovations that positively impact the overall learner experience inside and outside the classroom and improve operational efficiency.

California Polytechnic State University, USA: Student Affairs Edge Hill University, UK: Learning Design and Student Life Team Marshall University, USA: Enrolment Management – ​​Dr Jerry Ross, Dr Beverly Boggs, Nathan Miller Sam Houston State University, USA: Student Engagement – ​​Dr Meredith Conley and Emily Figueroa University of Memphis, USA: Dr MK Tyler

Student Success: This award recognizes institutions that have innovatively used Anthology solutions to lead to increased student retention, improved completion rates, and improved outcomes through the implementation of new academic and administrative resources, data analytics solutions, scalable advising and intervention strategies, and student support programs.

Bellevue University, USA: College of Engineering, Technology and Management – Dr. Matthew Davis, Rebecca Barnes, Nathan Craft Jenison Innovation Academy (JIA), USA: JIA Leadership Team – Cameron Kuiper, Dr. Rebecca Redmer, Krista Osterberg Northern Border University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Dean of E-Learning and Knowledge Resources – Dr. Saud Abdul Mohsen Almukahim, Dr. Sultan Munadi Al-Anaj, Dr. Ghanim Tawash Al-Anaj University of Florida, George Mason University, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA: Shared Metacognition Team: Dr. Larisa Olesova (University of Florida), David Miller (George Mason University), Dr. Aisha Sadaf (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)

Teaching and Learning: This award recognizes institutions that have used Anthology solutions in innovative ways to advance learning.

Beacon Red, UAE: Knowledge Systems Team – Phil Burgess, Sean McGuinness, Anurag Patel, Jimmy Joseph Technical and Vocational Training Corporation, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: E-Learning Center – Abdullah Farhan Aljably and Abdullah Aldukhayyel University of Texas at El Paso, USA: Instructional Design Center Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Argentina: School of Information Technology – Dr. Marcelo Edgardo De Vincenzi Zemborain, Nicols Battaglia, and Dr. Carlos Neil Western Kentucky University, USA: IDST 100 Course Development Team – Catie Weaver, Alicia Pennington, Ara Sprouse, and Brittney Sholar

Training and Professional Development: This award recognizes an institution that has demonstrated an organization-wide commitment to innovative training and development programs for educators and staff.

William Paterson University, USA: Center for Technology-Enabled Education – Dr. Jay KimPeruvian University of Applied Sciences, Peru: DEA Learning Environments Research – DADO Team – Jessica Brasica, Milagros Suyo, Nancy OlmosUniversity of Central Oklahoma, USA: Center for e-Learning and Connected Environments – Darren DenhamUniversity of Pretoria, South Africa: E-Education GroupWichita State University, USA: Educational Resources Office

For more information on the 2024 Catalyst Award winners, the complete list of nominees, and detailed category descriptions, please visit .

About the Anthology

Anthology provides the largest EdTech ecosystem for education globally, supporting more than 150 million users across 80 countries. With a mission to deliver dynamic, data-driven experiences to the global education community through Anthology Intelligent Experiences, we help learners, leaders, and educators achieve their goals by providing over 60 SaaS products and services designed to advance learning. Learn how we're delivering on our mission for education, business, and government organizations at

Media Contact: Erin Mitchell, Communications Director, Anthology [email protected]

Source Anthology




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