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6 Best Android Tablets in 2024

6 Best Android Tablets in 2024


The best Android tablets are more than just computers. Their slim form factors and lack of built-in keyboards allow for much more versatility and customization than a traditional laptop or desktop PC. A tablet can act as a secondary work device, a cheap and portable computer for students, a convenient Netflix display, or a sketching slab for creatives at any stage in their professional career.

I carry a tablet around the house, streaming TV shows while I do various chores, and amaze myself daily with its compact screen. Not all tablets are cheaper than all laptops, but the lack of hardware makes them generally more affordable.

While the Apple iPad is the go-to tablet for many shoppers, there are plenty of Android tablet alternatives that match the iPad's specs and features. From Microsoft and Samsung to Lenovo and Amazon, the Android tablet ecosystem is vibrant. So, I've put together my recommendations for those considering buying an Android tablet to keep in mind.

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How we picked the best Android tablets

In choosing these suggestions, we took advice from Stephen Warwick, News Editor at iMore and another tech reporter, who is quoted later in this guide, as well as tapping into our expertise as gadget testers for TechRadar, Tech Advisor, and Trusted Reviews. When selecting each individual model, we kept the following criteria in mind:

Value: The giant of the tablet market is Apple, accounting for 30-50% of tablet sales worldwide each year (via Statista). Android tablets almost always offer better value per dollar in my opinion, but we've narrowed down which models offer the best value for money. Versatile: Tablets offer many of the capabilities of a laptop, slimmed down into a more mobile-friendly interface and portable form factor. When choosing a tablet, we looked at models that can be used for a variety of purposes, including drawing, learning, working, and streaming. Best Android TabletsOnePlus Pad

What we like

Extremely sharp resolution Competitive price

Points to note

Processor Limited $100 Stylus Add-on

OnePlus is a brand known for its smartphones, but they surprised many by launching a tablet with a higher resolution than the iPad Pro, the OnePlus Pad, at a competitive price of just $399. The OnePlus Pad has a spacious 11.6-inch display, fast charging, and 12 hours of battery life. It also has a powerful enough processor to handle most tasks unless you're doing too much heavy lifting, so you probably won't notice. Stephen Warwick, a gadget reporter at iMore, said the OnePlus Pad is a great Android tablet that's very similar to the iPad, is reasonably priced, and has a great display. It's also very thin and light.

Operating System: Android | Dimensions: 11.14 x 8.46 x 2.05 inches | Weight: 1.2 pounds | Screen: 11.6 inches, 2800 x 2000 resolution | Storage options: 128 GB | Battery life: up to 12 hours | Ports: USB-C | Connectivity: Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.3

Google Pixel Tablet

What we like

Optional Speaker StandSmart Home Features

Points to note

The bezel is a little thick

If you're looking for a tablet that runs the Android OS developed by Google, the Google Pixel Tablet is the one to look for. This 2023 model has an 11-inch, 2560 x 1600 pixel screen and doubles as a smart display. An optional charging speaker dock lets you hold the tablet at a convenient viewing angle. It also comes with a full suite of smart home controls and Android apps, perfect if you're using Google Nest devices at home. It has a 4.5-star rating on Amazon with over 600 reviews.

Operating System: Android | Dimensions: 10.2 x 6.7 x 0.3 inches | Weight: 1.1 (without stand), 3.5 pounds (with stand) | Screen: 11 inches, 2560×1600 resolution | Storage options: 128GB, 256GB | Battery life: up to 11 hours | Ports: USB-C | Connectivity: Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth

Amazon Fire HD 8

What we like

Long battery life Compact design Offers parental control

Points to note

Lock screen with ads Extended subscription for kids

While Amazon's Fire tablet series technically runs Fire OS, an improved version of Android, we felt the Fire HD 8 was worthy of inclusion in this guide due to its incredible value. With an 8-inch screen and HD (720p) resolution, it's larger than your average smartphone, giving you more space to enjoy videos, games, and apps if you want. You shouldn't expect high performance; there's a reason it's only priced at $150. But with 13 hours of battery life and a plethora of streaming apps (Netflix, Disney, Prime Video, and more), you'll have plenty to do and plenty of time to do it. The main Fire HD 8 model has earned 4.5 out of 5 stars from 5,500 user reviews on Amazon.

Operating System: Fire OS 8 | Dimensions: 8.3 x 6.4 x 0.7 inches | Weight: 0.69 pounds | Screen: 7 inches, 1280 x 800 resolution | Storage options: 32GB, 64GB (up to 1TB) | Battery life: 13 hours | Ports: USB-C, headphone jack | Connectivity: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.3

Amazon Fire 8 Kids Pro

What we like

Easy parental controls Full HD resolution Dolby Atmos audio

Points to note

Extended subscriptions for kids

If you're looking for a great tablet for kids, the Amazon Fire 8 Kids Pro (ages 6-12) is a great choice. Amazon's Fire series frequently features in our best tablets for kids guides, and for good reason. It has Full HD resolution and a pair of stereo speakers, supports more immersive Dolby Atmos sound, and offers age-appropriate entertainment through the Amazon Kids+ subscription program. This model has earned 4.5 out of 5 stars from 7,000 user reviews on Amazon, and is currently on sale for $69.99 for Amazon Prime members.

Operating System: Fire OS 8 | Dimensions: 8.3 x 6.4 x 0.7 inches | Weight: 0.94 pounds | Screen: 7 inches, 1280 x 800 resolution | Storage options: 32 GB (up to 1 TB) | Battery life: 13 hours | Ports: USB-C, headphone jack | Connectivity: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.3

Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra

What we like

1.46 inch large screen perfect for multitasking

Points to note

ExpensiveNot as compact as some tablets

If price isn't an issue, consider the Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra, which is as feature-rich as its name suggests. This high-end Android tablet is a great drawing tool, with a large screen, 2.5K resolution, and a responsive S Pen stylus included in the retail price. It's also a powerful productivity tool, with 12-16GB of RAM and the ability to multitask quickly with a full suite of Android apps. It's also IP68 water- and dust-resistant, and Samsung's high-end S9 tablet series has earned an Amazon rating of 4.6 out of 1,500 reviews.

Operating System: Android | Dimensions: 8.2 x 12.9 x 0.2 inches | Weight: 1.6 pounds | Screen: 14.6 inches, 2560×1600 resolution | Storage options: 256GB, 512GB, 1TB | Battery life: Up to 10 hours | Ports: USB-C | Connectivity: Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.3

Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+

What we like

Bright screen, good resolution

The Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ is a great low-cost choice for simple everyday tasks. It has a spacious 11-inch LCD screen with Full HD resolution and a slim profile that fits in a USB-C port and headphone jack. Storage is a bit limited in the base 64GB model, but you can upgrade to a 128GB model. This is a solid all-around tablet with plenty of basic features for price-conscious shoppers. This model has an Amazon rating of 4.6 from 2,600 reviews.

Operating System: Android | Dimensions: 10.12 x 6.64 x 0.27 inches | Weight: 1.06 pounds | Screen: 11 inches, 1920×1200 resolution | Storage options: 64 GB, 128 GB | Battery life: Not listed (estimated 7-8 hours) | Ports: USB-C, headphone jack | Connectivity: Wi-Fi 5, Bluetooth 5.1

How to Buy the Best Android Tablet Price

The wide range of Android models means there's a price range to suit everyone, whatever your budget: “There are far more Android tablets on the market than iPads, and therefore a much wider range of prices. You can buy an Android tablet for as little as $400, but you can also spend over $1,000 for a more powerful one,” says Warwick.


Some shoppers will be happy with a basic tablet, while others will want additional hardware: a shock-resistant case can be useful if you frequently take your tablet outdoors, and some cases even have built-in keyboards for more formal work environments.

Styluses are also a common accessory for tablets. Check to see if a particular tablet model comes with a specific stylus, or if the manufacturer has a recommended drawing pen in their product line. Depending on the tablet, an additional stylus can cost up to $100 on top of the price of the tablet itself.


Are Android tablets better than iPads?

It depends. The Apple iPad is generally considered the premium tablet choice, but in reality, a basic $350 iPad is much cheaper than a premium Microsoft Surface tablet. There are also numerous Android tablet manufacturers, each with their own models, prices, and specs.

“The hardware, such as displays and processors, that power Android and Apple tablets are largely very similar today,” Warwick said. “Most casual users wouldn't notice the difference. The main difference is in the software.”

He added that Android is a much more open platform, with fewer restrictions on what apps you can download and where you can get them. Apple's iPadOS platform is a much more closed system. But Apple's iPad boasts unparalleled integration with the entire Apple ecosystem, with great syncing with iPhones, Macs, Apple TVs and AirPods. This makes it easy to store passwords, edit documents and more.

Why do you need a tablet when you have a smartphone?

If you have a particularly large smartphone, you may not need a tablet, but both devices have specific use cases. Tablets have a ton of apps for streaming, drawing, working, and more, and are more like a mobile operating system than a desktop OS, but they have a larger, higher-resolution screen that lets you see more at a glance. Tablets are good for watching TV shows, sketching or writing, typing up documents, and even holding video calls and work meetings. Many tablets are Wi-Fi only devices, but some can accept SIM cards, allowing you to access mobile data services (including 5G) on the go and make and receive calls just like you would on a smartphone.

Why use a tablet instead of a laptop?

If laptops are convenient, portable versions of desktop PCs, tablets are the next evolution. Tablets are slimmer, lighter, and more streamlined than traditional clamshell laptops. They combine the functionality of a broader computer with an all-screen form factor inspired by mobile devices. However, to use a tablet as effectively as a laptop, especially for work, you may need a dedicated tablet stand, case, or keyboard accessory, but they're still handy portable devices.

Meet Our Experts

At NBC Select, we work with experts who have the expertise and authority based on their relevant training and experience, and we take steps to ensure that all expert advice and recommendations are independent and free of undisclosed financial conflicts of interest.

Stephen Warwick is iMore's News Editor, covering the latest breaking news about all Apple products and services, including both hardware and software. Why trust NBC Select?

Henry St. Leger has worked as a gadget reporter since 2017, covering the latest trends in consumer hardware, from TVs and headphones to smart speakers and VR headsets. He previously worked as News & Features Editor at TechRadar and currently freelances for NBC Select, IGN and The Independent.

Tune in to NBC Selects for more coverage on personal finance, tech & tools, health and more, and follow us on Facebook , Instagram , Twitter and TikTok for the latest updates.




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