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UCLA Hosts Workshop Series on Innovation, Culture and Creativity

UCLA Hosts Workshop Series on Innovation, Culture and Creativity


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A UCLA-led project to foster connections between culture, creativity and technology sectors will host a national series of workshops to gather ideas for connecting research and innovation in technology and creative fields. The workshops, supported by a National Science Foundation grant, will guide planning for a national conference to be hosted by UCLA in December. UCLA's year-long Innovation, Culture and Creativity project aims to support the competitiveness of America's creative sectors and expand and diversify the nation's STEM workforce.

UCLA’s Office of Innovation, Culture and Creativity Projects, with support from the National Science Foundation’s Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP) division, will fund a series of interdisciplinary regional workshops beginning this summer that will bring together artists, institutions and people working in the creative and technology sectors to support research and innovation at the intersection of culture, creativity and technology.

UCLA's one-year project hub, which launched in January with a $1.3 million investment from NSF, will support seven workshops in California, Hawaii, Michigan, Missouri, New Mexico, New York and Washington, D.C. Participants include researchers and artists working with Indigenous knowledges, academics, nonprofits, museum curators, storytellers, urban planners, entertainment and performing arts professionals, designers, musicians, animators, artificial intelligence and augmented reality developers and more. The workshops were selected through a panel review process after a call for proposals earlier this year.

“These workshops will generate new networks and connections, helping participants from around the country think broadly about new types of innovation and R&D support,” said Jeff Burke, professor and associate dean for research and technology in the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television and principal investigator on the project. “Insights gained from these regional conferences will feed into a national conference planned for December on how to better connect research and innovation in technology and the creative fields.”

Jennifer Jacobs, assistant professor of media arts, technology and computer science at UC Santa Barbara, is the co-principal investigator on the project. UCLA collaborators include Lauren Lee McCarthy, professor of design and media arts in the UCLA School of Art and Architecture, Chris Johanson, chair of the Digital Humanities Department and associate professor of Classics, and Gregory Poti, professor of electrical and computer engineering in the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering. The panel review and grant process is supported by the UCLA Office of Research and Creative Activities. The UCLA DataX initiative provides additional support for activities in Los Angeles.

A national conference at UCLA in December 2024 will bring together leaders and participants from these workshops, as well as representatives from government, industry and the nonprofit sector.

The overarching goal of the Innovation, Culture, and Creativity Project is to explore the role of local culture in strengthening innovation ecosystems, support the continued competitiveness of America’s creative sector, and develop new strategies to expand and diversify the nation’s STEM workforce.

The themes, locations and dates for the regional workshops are as follows:

/Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author may be out of date and has been edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take any organizational stance or position and all views, positions and conclusions expressed here are solely those of the authors. Read the full article here.




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