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Google Cloud acquires AWS and Microsoft Copilot executives to lead AI

Google Cloud acquires AWS and Microsoft Copilot executives to lead AI


Google has hired two former vice presidents from AWS and Microsoft to lead the company's newly formed cloud AI division.

As the Big Three tech companies compete for dominance in the AI ​​market, Google Cloud has hired two vice presidents from rivals Amazon Web Services and Microsoft to lead its artificial intelligence cloud business.

Google's $38 billion cloud business recently hired Saurabh Tiwary (pictured above, left), an 11-year veteran of Microsoft and a top Copilot executive, as the new general manager and vice president of Google's cloud AI business.

Tiwari previously served as corporate vice president at Microsoft, where he led a team of software engineers, product managers and scientists building the Microsoft Copilot AI experience. His leadership of Copilot spanned various business units, including Microsoft 365, Windows Copilot and Bing, according to his LinkedIn profile.

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“I'm excited to be taking on a new role as VP and general manager of Cloud AI at Google,” Tiwary recently posted on LinkedIn.

His LinkedIn post received over 200 comments from executives from many of the biggest AI companies, including Nvidia, Microsoft, DataRobot, and Google.

Google hires AWS executive to lead cloud AI product management

In another big hire for Google Cloud, the Mountain View, Calif.-based subsidiary of parent company Alphabet hired former AWS vice president Raj Pai (pictured above right) as its new vice president of Cloud AI business.

Pai will lead the product management team for Google Cloud's AI division and report to Tiwari.

He worked at AWS for 10 years before moving to Google Cloud in late June, where he served as vice president of product management for Amazon EC2 and general management of several related AWS services, and director of product management for Amazon EC2 from 2014 to 2019.

“I'm excited to announce that I've started a new job as vice president of Cloud AI Products at Google,” Pai said in a LinkedIn post last week. His LinkedIn post received more than 170 comments, including from many IT business leaders.

Both have experience at Microsoft and Google.

In addition to his work at AWS, Pai worked at Microsoft for 15 years from 1999 to 2014.

Prior to moving to AWS in 2014, Pai worked as a Program Manager for Office 365 Exchange Enterprise Cloud.

It's also worth noting that prior to joining Microsoft, Tiwari worked in search at Google for three years from 2010 to 2013. According to his LinkedIn profile, he worked on various aspects of Google search quality, including synonyms, quality and intent identification at scale.

AWS, Microsoft, and Google compete for cloud AI dominance

Combined, AWS, Microsoft, and Google account for 67% of the global cloud infrastructure services market.

According to data from Synergy Research Group, AWS will hold a 31% share of the worldwide cloud market as of the first quarter of 2024, followed by Microsoft with 25% and Google Cloud with 11%.

All three cloud giants are investing millions of dollars in expanding their AI portfolios, focusing on large-scale language models (LLMs), AI agents, AI-powered assistants, and the hardware that underpins artificial intelligence technology.




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