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Google Cloud Interconnect FAQs

Google Cloud Interconnect FAQs


General Product Information What is the Oracle – Google Cloud partnership? The Oracle – Google Cloud partnership enables customers to combine Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Google Cloud technologies to accelerate application migration and modernization. There are two joint offerings: Oracle Interconnect for Google Cloud and Oracle Database@Google Cloud. Read the partnership announcement. Oracle Interconnect for Google Cloud is generally available today. Interoperability is achieved through a dedicated, private connection, and customers use single sign-on (SSO) credentials via federated identity to access Oracle and Google Cloud resources. Joint technical support is provided by both Oracle and Google Cloud. Oracle Database@Google Cloud will be available in the second half of 2024. Interoperability is achieved through Oracle database services on OCI, managed by Oracle and co-located in Google Cloud datacenters. Who can use the interconnect between OCI and Google Cloud?

Interconnect is available to all customers with an Oracle Cloud account and a Google Cloud subscription, and no new or additional contracts are required to take advantage of the service.

How do I provision it?

The service is available in the Google Cloud console and the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console. Follow the instructions in the Oracle Interconnect for Google Cloud documentation to configure the service in both consoles and establish the interconnection.

How do I connect Oracle Interconnect to Google Cloud?

Oracle Interconnect for Google Cloud is now generally available in 11 cloud regions. Read this blog post to learn how to connect this service to your OCI Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) and Google Cloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

Which OCI and Google Cloud regions is the interconnect available in?

Oracle Interconnect for Google Cloud is now available in the Oracle Cloud and Google Cloud regions listed on the product overview page, with more to come.

What are some common uses for interconnects?

Common uses include:

Migrate and run full-stack applications between OCI and Google Cloud Run full-stack applications on OCI and interoperate to share data Run full-stack applications on Google Cloud Migrate and run split-stack applications between OCI and Google Cloud Interoperate complementary services across clouds (e.g. analytics on Google Cloud with OCI database services) Build modern cloud-native applications using PaaS services Interoperate complementary services across clouds (e.g. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes with Google Spanner) Integrate SaaS apps between Google Cloud and OCI Run SaaS apps such as Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP or Oracle Retail Merchandising Cloud Services Suite on OCI and integrate with mobile apps on Google Firestore How much bandwidth can I provision to interconnect my OCI and Google Cloud environments?

The interconnect supports bandwidth shapes of 1, 5, 10, 20, and 50 Gb/s.

What is the difference between Oracle Interconnect for Google Cloud and Google Cross-Cloud Interconnect?

Oracle Interconnect for Google Cloud is a partner-based connection that's easy to set up and use. It has built-in network redundancy and waives metered data egress charges. Google and Oracle manage the connection between the two services and work together to resolve any issues that may arise.

The existing Google Cross-Cloud Interconnect allows customers to establish a dedicated circuit directly between Google Cloud and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) FastConnect. This interconnect is more self-service. The tradeoff is that the physical interconnect is fully dedicated to the customer.

Billing and Economics Are there any costs associated with interconnection?

Customers use Google Cloud Partner Interconnect and OCI FastConnect to establish private connections between clouds. Customers are responsible for the published port fees for these two services. Oracle and Google Cloud do not charge for data egress or ingress over FastConnect and Partner Interconnect, respectively.

How will I be charged?

You will continue to receive invoices and receipts from Google Cloud and Oracle through your existing processes.

Operations, Support, and Security Is the connection between OCI and Google Cloud over the Internet?

No, the interconnection does not use the Internet – it is a private, dedicated connection.

Is traffic between OCI and Google Cloud encrypted?

No, the traffic is not encrypted, but the connection is private and dedicated, and customers can choose to inspect or encrypt the traffic using third-party software to meet additional security or compliance requirements.

What is the round trip latency between OCI and Google Cloud?

The interconnect provides high speed, low latency connectivity suitable for demanding production workloads. Round trip latency is 2ms or less. Exact latency numbers vary by region and application deployment. Each customer should test latency with their own applications.

Do I need to use a third-party service provider to connect my OCI and Google Cloud environments?

No, OCI and Google Cloud already have a direct infrastructure connection, so you can connect without using a third-party service provider.

What are the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) associated with interconnects?

Interconnect is covered through availability SLAs for OCI FastConnect (OCI FastConnect SLA (PDF)) and Google Cloud Partner Interconnect (Google Cloud Partner Interconnect SLA).

What is the support model for Oracle Interconnect for Google Cloud?

You can create technical support requests directly with Oracle or Google Cloud. Oracle and Google Cloud have developed a collaborative support model using existing support processes to ensure rapid response and resolution.




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