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“World Record” for Data Transmission Speed

“World Record” for Data Transmission Speed


Researchers from Aston University were part of a team that used commercially available optical fibre to transmit data at a record speed of 402 terabits per second.

This beats the previous record of 301 terabits (301 million megabits per second) using a single standard optical fiber, announced in March 2024.

“This speed is over 100 million times faster than Netflix's recommended internet connection speed of 3 Mbit/s or more to watch HD movies.

These speeds are achieved through the use of a wider spectrum, using six bands instead of the previous four, increasing capacity for data sharing – typically only one or two bands are used.

The international research team included Professor Vladek Forisiak and Dr Ian Phillips, members of the University's Aston Institute for Photonics Technology (AIPT), led by the Photonic Network Research Institute of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) based in Tokyo, Japan, and including Nokia Bell Labs in the United States.

Together, they achieved this feat by building the first optical transmission system covering all six wavelength bands used in optical fiber communications: O, E, S, C, L and U. Aston University contributed in particular by building a set of U-band Raman amplifiers, the longest part of the composite wavelength spectrum where conventional doped fiber amplifiers are not currently commercially available.

Fiber optics are tiny tubular glass fibers that use light to transmit information, unlike regular copper wires that can't transmit data at such speeds.

Not only does the technology increase capacity by around a third, it also uses so-called “standard fiber” that is already heavily deployed around the world, eliminating the need to install new dedicated cables.

With growing demand for data from businesses and individuals, this new discovery could help keep broadband prices stable despite increases in capacity and speeds.

“This discovery could help increase the capacity of a single optical fibre, giving the world more powerful systems,” said Aston University's Dr Phillips.

“As demand for data services is set to rapidly increase in the future, we expect that this newly developed technology will make a significant contribution to expanding the communication capacity of optical communications infrastructure.”

Colleague Professor Vladek Forisiak added: “This is a 'heroic experiment' made possible by the efforts of a multinational team and the latest technological advances in telecommunications research institutes around the world.”

The results were accepted as a post-deadline paper at the 47th International Optical Fiber Communications Conference (OFC 2024) held in the United States on March 28.

To support some of its work in this area, Aston University has received funding from EPSRC (UKRI), the Royal Society (RS Exchange Grant with NICT) and the EU (European Training Network).




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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