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*UPDATE 1/7* Season of Discovery Phase 4 begins on July 11! — World of Warcraft — Blizzard News

*UPDATE 1/7* Season of Discovery Phase 4 begins on July 11! — World of Warcraft — Blizzard News


*Updated January 7th, 2024: Following community feedback, Molten Core will now be the single standard weekly lockout, while Onyxias Lair, Lord Kazzak, and Azuregos will continue to be available at the twice-weekly resets as previously announced.

Season of Discovery Phase 4 begins on July 11th, starting at 21:00 BST worldwide, and will allow players to reach level 60, discover new class runes, and enter the Molten Core raid dungeon to face off against Ragnaros.

Associate Production Director Clayton Stone, Principal Software Engineer Nora Valletta, and Senior Producer Josh Greenfield share details about Season of Discovery Phase 4.

All items are still in development and subject to change.

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Level up in Season of Discovery Phase 4 with various level changes, new runes to discover, class tweaks, profession and reputation updates, dungeon updates, PvP class sets, updated events, raid content, world bosses, and more.

Levels 50 to 60 Access all Classic Zones Collect Epic Mounts New World Buffs for max level Alliance characters: +300 hit points with the power of Stormwind. +15% melee attack speed. +10 mana regeneration every 5 seconds. This buff does not stack with Warchief's Blessing. Updated Discoverer's Delight buff Levels 1-49: +150% XP gain Levels 50-59: +50% XP gain New runes for each class to discover. New Currency: Underworld of Tainted Darkness Real This new currency can be acquired once per day from most non-rare dungeon bosses level 55 and above and can be used to purchase a variety of materials, items, and more. Utility Runes: These class-independent utility runes provide additional bonuses to various skills, including weapons and hit spells. Professions and Reputation Updates: New and improved profession recipes for Argent Dawn, Thorium Brotherhood, Hydraxian Waterlord, and Timbermaw Hold.Blacksmith and Leatherworking profession specializations will be available for a fee to trade after the release of Season of Discovery Phase 4. Nightmare Incursion has been updated to the daily quest hub. The cost of Bloodstained Commendation Honor Reward from Stranglethorn Vale's Blood Moon event has been reduced. Dungeons Update: Updated rewards and new dungeons at level 60: Blackrock Depths (late stage) Blackrock Spire Dire Maul (3 wings) Scholomance Stratholm Plus, discover a new mystery dungeon! Tier 0 armor updates and quest chains available at launch Alterac Valley Battlefield available Rank 10 PvP class set available New world event: Blackrock Eruption

The sheer power of the Summoning of Ragnaros is wreaking havoc across Blackrock Mountain, and players will be able to experience more of the story behind this mayhem and take part in recurring events and associated quests while this event is active.

This timed event occurs every two hours and offers additional creature spawns, daily quests, and bonus honor rewards from PvP within Blackrock Mountain. Increase your reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood to access valuable crafting materials and other rewards.

Raid Boss Schedule World Boss

Experience Lord Kazak and Azurgoth across the globe on July 18th at 21:00 BST as all-new instanced versions of these encounters. These encounters can be experienced with up to 40 players, but will be scaled as 20 player content, making them best suited to playing in groups of 40 players, although you can maximise rewards by taking on the challenge with just 20 players.

Molten Core and Onyxias Lair Raid Dungeons

Get ready to take on Ragnaros and Onyxia's Lair on July 25th at 21:00 BST around the world.

Experience Molten Core as a 20-player dungeon, featuring 10 classic bosses (+1), improved loot, a redesigned Tier 1 set, and more. Plus, a new variable difficulty mechanic allows players to take on a higher difficulty to earn more rewards and turn up the heat even more. Don't forget your fireproof gear! You'll need it, as we're adding another surprise to this classic raid dungeon for intrepid adventurers to discover.

Onyxia will be tuned to accommodate 40 or fewer players, along with some additional loot tweaks.

New Raid Lockout Interval

Raid lockouts for the Season of Discovery Phase 4 raid will occur periodically once a week for Molten Core, and twice a week on static reset days for Onyxias Lair, Lord Kazak, and Azurgoth. Players in North America and Europe will experience resets for these bosses on Tuesdays and Saturdays, while players in Asia will experience resets on Wednesdays and Sundays.

We look forward to seeing you in Season of Discovery Phase Four!




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