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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $504 Million in Next Round of Funding for 12 U.S. Tech Hubs

Biden-Harris Administration Announces $504 Million in Next Round of Funding for 12 U.S. Tech Hubs


WASHINGTON, DC – The Biden-Harris Administration, through the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA), announced approximately $504 million in additional funding for implementation grants to 12 tech hubs to expand production of critical technologies, create jobs in innovative industries, strengthen U.S. economic competitiveness and national security, and accelerate the growth of industries of the future in regions across the United States.

The Tech Hub Program is a flagship initiative of President Biden’s Administration designed to invest in communities across the country to grow the economy, advance America’s global leadership in critical technologies, and strengthen our national and economic security.

“No matter where they live, every American deserves the opportunity to thrive. Today's announcement that the Commerce Department will invest $504 million in regional tech innovation hubs across the country will ensure that the benefits of the industries of the future, from artificial intelligence and clean energy to biotechnology, are shared with communities that have long been overlooked, including rural, tribal, industrial and disadvantaged communities,” said Vice President Kamala Harris. “These tech hubs will provide regions of the country with the resources and opportunities they need to lead in tomorrow's economy, while creating good-paying jobs for American workers.”

“Through our Tech Hubs program, we remain competitive by advancing American leadership in the commercialization of critical emerging technology sectors. And to achieve this goal, we are leveraging the diverse talent and resources that currently exist across the country,” said U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo. “Thanks to President Biden's commitment to his Invest in America plan, these 12 Tech Hubs will play a critical role in accelerating American leadership in the industries of the future while creating high-quality, family-sustaining 21st century jobs in people's backyards.”

President Biden announced the selection of 31 Tech Hub designees in October 2023. EDA is selecting projects to receive funding in each of the 12 hubs below, with award amounts expected to be finalized in the coming months.

The Tech Hub Implementation Awardees are: Elevate Quantum Tech Hub (Colorado, New Mexico) Lead Institution: Elevate Quantum Technology Focus: Quantum Information Technology Estimated Award Value: $41M Headwaters Hub (Montana) Lead Institution: Accelerate Montana Technology Focus: Smart Photonic Sensor Systems Estimated Award Value: $41M Heartland BioWorks (Indiana) Lead Institution: Applied Research Institute Technology Focus: Biomanufacturing Estimated Award Value: $51M iFAB Tech Hub (Illinois) Lead Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Technology Focus: Precision Fermentation and Biomanufacturing Estimated Award Value: $51M Nevada Tech Hub (Nevada) Lead Institution: University of Nevada, Reno Technology Focus: Materials for Lithium Batteries and Electric Vehicles Estimated Award Value: $21M NY SMART I-Corridor Tech Hub (New Mexico) Lead Institution: CenterState Corporation for Economic OpportunityTech focus: Semiconductor manufacturingEstimated prize: $40 millionReGen Valley Tech Hub (New Hampshire)Leading agency: Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing InstituteTech area: BiofabricationEstimated prize: $44 millionSC Nexus for Advanced Resilient Energy (South Carolina, Georgia)Leading agency: South Carolina Department of CommerceTech focus: Clean energy supply chainEstimated prize: $45 millionSouth Florida ClimateReady Tech Hub (Florida)Leading agency: Miami-Dade County Innovation and Economic Development AgencyTech focus: Sustainable and climate resilient infrastructureEstimated prize: $19 millionSustainable Polymers Tech Hub (Ohio)Leading agency: Greater Akron ChamberTech focus: Sustainable polymersEstimated prize: $51 millionTulsa Hub for Equitable & Trustworthy Autonomy (Oklahoma)Leading agency: Tulsa Innovation LabsTech focus: Secure autonomous systemsEstimated prize: $51 millionWisconsin BioHealth Tech Hub (Wisconsin)Leading agency: BioForward WisconsinTechnology focus: Personalized medicine Estimated prize: $49 million

“The Department of Commerce is committed to expanding economic opportunity to every corner of our nation,” said Deputy Secretary of Commerce Don Graves. “The Tech Hub Program is a commitment to the prosperity and success of our American economy. The 12 awardees embody the innovation and creativity seen across the country, revitalizing American manufacturing, strengthening America's global competitiveness and bringing President Biden's Invest in America policy to the forefront.”

The first phase of the program identified 31 tech hubs across the country with proven expertise in emerging technology areas and geographically diverse potential. These tech hubs collectively secured over 1,000 commitments, garnered over $4 billion in investment commitments, and fostered meaningful public and institutional policy change that supports their strategy. In the second phase, the tech hubs developed and proposed projects to drive their growth into globally recognized regions that create and deliver the technologies of the future.

Overall, the consortium's membership has grown 50% since the hubs were designated in October 2023, demonstrating strong support from the community, with more than one-third of the consortium's members being industry partners. If subsequent funding becomes available, EDA plans to invest in additional Tech Hubs to maintain the momentum of this innovative program for decades to come.

The Tech Hub Program was authorized by the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act, a key part of President Biden's Invest in America policy, and was signed into law by the President in August 2022. The Act authorizes a $10 billion budget for the program over five years. To date, EDA has allocated $541 million to the program.

“Tech Hub cities are the best examples of locally-based economic development strategies that combine federal resources with local assets, expertise and collaboration to realize transformative opportunities,” said Commerce Under Secretary for Economic Development Alejandra Y. Castillo. “We are pleased that this first round of implementation funding will support a surge of new jobs, new technologies and new energy to strengthen America's competitiveness.”

For more information about the Tech Hubs program, visit

About the U.S. Economic Development Administration ( mission of the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) is to lead the Federal economic development agenda by promoting competitiveness and preparing the nation's regions for growth and success in the global economy. An agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce, EDA creates jobs for American workers, fosters American innovation, and accelerates long-term, sustainable economic growth by investing in communities and supporting regional collaboration.




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