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Rupert Murdoch's Fox launches Netflix rival Tubi in UK | TV Streaming

Rupert Murdoch's Fox launches Netflix rival Tubi in UK | TV Streaming


Rupert Murdoch's Fox Corp. has launched an ad-supported streaming service called Tubi in the UK.

The platform will compete with services such as Netflix, Disney+, ITVX, Channel 4's streaming platform and BBC iPlayer.

Fox said the service will launch with more than 20,000 movies and TV shows on demand, including its own originals as well as content from Disney, Lionsgate, NBCUniversal and Sony Pictures Entertainment.

Current offerings include the Twilight series starring Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, horror film Candyman and Tubi's original reality series House of Heat.

Anjali Sadh, CEO of Tubi, said: “Tubi has spent the last decade honing our broad, free, and fun approach to streaming in North America, and we see now as the perfect opportunity to bring that to UK audiences. Most importantly, we're committed to listening to what resonates with our UK fans and giving them more of the things they love.”

Fox claims that in the U.S., with 80 million active users, Tubi's total viewing time is on par with Disney+.

Other films currently in theaters in the UK include the blockbuster Olympus starring Gerard Butler, comedy Happy Gilmore starring Adam Sandler and horror comedy Happy Death Day.

UK offerings include episodes of “The Great British Menu,” “The Secret History of British Gardens,” “Paul Hollywood's Pies and Puddings” and “Mary Berry's Foolproof Cooking.”

Streaming services are in a fierce battle for market share as they battle big losses and consumers struggling with a cost-of-living crisis.

Streaming services have boomed during the coronavirus crisis, with companies like Netflix, Disney and Apple pouring billions of dollars into expensive programming to attract subscribers. But as growth has slowed, companies have focused on cutting costs and improving profitability.

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Sports and live events are becoming an increasingly important part of media companies' output: Netflix will stream WWE wrestling, and Disney will stream live sports from its ESPN networks.

Tubi says it is committed to a 100% free, ad-supported model and that it displays few ads, as other streaming services have launched lower-cost ad-supported services as part of the race to attract subscribers.

In March, Murdoch's right-wing news channel Talk TV announced it would go off-air after two years on the air and switch to an online-only format over the summer.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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