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Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration announces investments in 12 regional tech hubs to create good-paying jobs and drive economic opportunity and innovation in communities across the country

Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration announces investments in 12 regional tech hubs to create good-paying jobs and drive economic opportunity and innovation in communities across the country


Regional tech hubs will strengthen American leadership in the industries of the future, create jobs, and drive economic growth across our nation.

Today, the Biden-Harris Administration is announcing funding for 12 regional technology innovation hubs (Tech Hubs) to accelerate the growth of innovative industries. The Tech Hubs program is part of President Biden's Invest in America plan to bring innovation to every region of the country, create new jobs, and ultimately support economic development in areas that have historically lacked investment.

The $504 million in funding awarded to these 12 tech hubs will position American workers, businesses and communities to lead in the industries of the future, including semiconductors, clean energy, biotechnology, artificial intelligence and quantum computing, strengthening our national and economic security. The tech hubs will create good-paying jobs in these critical industries in communities across the country, building on President Biden's manufacturing and entrepreneurship boom, which has attracted more than $877 billion in investment in clean energy and manufacturing and fostered more than 18 million new business applications.

“No matter where they live, every American deserves the opportunity to thrive. Today's announcement that the Commerce Department will invest $504 million in regional tech innovation hubs across the country will ensure that the benefits of the industries of the future, from artificial intelligence and clean energy to biotechnology, are shared with communities that have long been overlooked, including rural, tribal, industrial and disadvantaged communities,” said Vice President Kamala Harris. “These tech hubs will provide regions of the country with the resources and opportunities they need to lead in tomorrow's economy, while creating good-paying jobs for American workers.”

Authorized by President Biden's CHIPS and SCIENCE Act, the Tech Hub Program brings together businesses, state, local and tribal governments, higher education institutions, labor unions, and nonprofits around a shared vision for regional economic growth. These tech hubs ensure the benefits of innovation and technology development that have long been concentrated in a few coastal cities reach rural, industrial, and disadvantaged communities, growing local economies from the bottom up and the middle out. Tech hubs are a prime example of the President's place-based approach, emphasizing that America's economy is stronger by investing in communities, not leaving them behind.

Last year, President Biden announced the designation of 31 Tech Hubs in communities across the country. Today's announcement names 12 recipients of implementation grants of up to $51 million to help accelerate and grow industries in these regions. The recipients span 14 states: Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Wisconsin.

Tech Hub Implementation Grant Recipients

Elevate Quantum Tech Hub, led by Elevate Quantum, will award approximately $41 million in Tech Hub funding to Colorado and New Mexico, strengthening Colorado's global leadership in quantum information technology (QIT) to enable advancements in areas including artificial intelligence, climate tech and healthcare; Headwaters Hub, led by Accelerate Montana, will award approximately $41 million in Tech Hub funding to Montana, aiming to become a global leader in smart, autonomous photon remote sensing technology; and Heartland BioWorks, led by Applied Research Institute, will award approximately $51 million in Tech Hub funding to Indiana, transforming Central Indiana into a global leader in biotechnology and biomanufacturing by increasing the region's capacity to manufacture and deploy life-saving medicines.The iFAB Tech Hub, led by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, will award approximately $51 million in Tech Hub funding to Illinois to scale precision fermentation to transform underutilized corn feedstock into high-value customized alternative proteins, food ingredients, materials, chemicals and more. The Nevada Tech Hub, led by the University of Nevada, Reno, will award approximately $21 million in Tech Hub funding to Nevada to build a self-sustaining, globally competitive complete lithium lifecycle cluster across extraction, processing, manufacturing and recycling. The NY SMART I-Corridor Tech Hub, led by the Center States Economic Opportunity Corporation, will award approximately $40 million in Tech Hub funding to New York State to strengthen the region's semiconductor manufacturing capacity while ensuring economic opportunity for underserved communities.The ReGen Valley Tech Hub, led by the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute, will provide approximately $44 million in Tech Hub awards to New Hampshire, aiming to position New Hampshire as a global leader in biofabrication to create cost-effective regenerative therapies to address chronic disease and organ failure. SC Nexus for Advanced Resilient Energy, led by the South Carolina Department of Commerce, will provide approximately $45 million in Tech Hub awards to South Carolina and Georgia, aiming to become a global leader in advanced energy by improving the clean energy supply chain by expanding opportunities to develop, test and deploy exportable power technologies, with a focus on grid resilience technologies (GRT) with cybersecurity. The South Florida ClimateReady Tech Hub, led by the Miami-Dade County Innovation and Economic Development Agency, will provide approximately $19 million in Tech Hub awards to Florida, aiming to advance global leadership in sustainable and resilient infrastructure (SRI) solutions to the global climate crisis. The Sustainable Polymer Technology Hub, led by the Greater Akron Chamber of Commerce in Ohio, will award a tech hub prize of approximately $51 million to Ohio, aiming to address the severe climate and environmental impacts resulting from the use of fossil fuel-derived polymers (rubber and plastics) by accelerating the manufacturing and commercialization of sustainable polymers. The Tulsa Hub for Fair and Trusted Autonomy (THETA Tech Hub), led by Tulsa Innovation Lab, will award a tech hub prize of approximately $51 million to Oklahoma, aiming to become a global leader in the development and commercialization of autonomous systems for a variety of use cases, from agriculture and pipeline inspection to regional transportation. The Wisconsin BioHealth Tech Hub, led by BioForward Wisconsin, will award a tech hub prize of approximately $49 million to Wisconsin, aiming to establish Wisconsin as a global leader in personalized medicine, a new health care approach that customizes tests, treatments and therapies based on a patient's unique genetic code, medical records and environment.

A list of the 31 designated tech hubs can be found here.





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