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South Florida officially becomes Climate Ready with $19.5 million in federal grant funding

South Florida officially becomes Climate Ready with $19.5 million in federal grant funding


This funding will enable local innovators to further develop technologies to combat climate change and build resilience in South Florida and surrounding areas.

Riley Kaminer

It's an overnight success that was years in the making.

Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration (EDA) announced it has awarded $19.5 million to the Climate Ready Tech Hub in South Florida.

The tech hub is a Miami-Dade County-led initiative that aims to make the region a top destination for climate technology innovators.

Francesca de Quesada Covey is the regional innovation officer for the ClimateReady Tech Hub and the chief innovation and economic development officer for Miami-Dade County. But at heart, de Quesada Covey is a technologist who spent years at Facebook before becoming chief investment officer for Miami venture capital firm TheVentureCity.

This funding marks a pivotal moment for South Florida, de Quesada Covey declared in a statement: “Not only are ClimateReady Tech Hubs the only certified hubs focused on finding solutions to pressing climate issues, but they will also bring economic benefits of jobs and increased GDP to all communities, from Palm Beach to Monroe County and bordering the Miccosukee Nation to the west.”

Francesca (Cesi) de Quesada Covey

South Florida is already home to internationally recognized startups and community organizations developing innovations to help address pressing climate challenges, including next-generation HVAC provider Blue Frontier, BlueTech entrepreneurial support organization Seaworthy Collective, and 3D-printed seawall startup Kind Designs.

For better or worse, South Florida is something of a testing ground for the effects of climate change, from rising sea levels to increased flooding to dangerously hot weather. But among these challenges lie opportunities, both in terms of climate resilience and economics.

According to the Tech Hub team, this ClimateReady initiative is expected to create 23,000 new, high-paying jobs over the next five years. Over the next decade, the Tech Hub is projected to generate $41 billion in new revenue, putting South Florida on the global climate tech map.

“The designation as a South Florida Tech Hub highlights our city's global leadership in addressing climate change,” Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levin Cava said in a statement.

“This investment by the Biden-Harris Administration will enable us to confront the climate crisis head on, drive economic innovation, and create quality jobs right here in South Florida,” Levin Cava continued. Miami-Dade County is proud to collaborate with public sector, academic and private partners from Broward, Monroe and Palm Beach counties on this groundbreaking effort.

South Florida is one of 31 tech hubs selected by the EDA from nearly 200 applicants across the country in October 2023. Of these tech hubs, fewer than half received funding to implement these projects.

Why did our region stand out? The EDA said South Florida's application demonstrated leadership and potential to leverage the region's assets, talent and technical expertise to become a world-class, globally competitive innovation center.

With bipartisan support from legislators representing Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Monroe counties, the ClimateReady Tech Hub coalition includes local governments, businesses, universities and organizations that were originally convened by the South Florida Regional Planning Council and received technical assistance from The Citadel’s Kenneth C. Griffin and the Knight Foundation.

This story will be updated.


I'm a Miami-based tech researcher and writer passionate about sharing stories about the South Florida tech ecosystem. I especially love learning about GovTech startups, cutting-edge applications of Artificial Intelligence, and innovators leveraging technology to change society for the better. I'm always open to pitches on Twitter @rileywk or at

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