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BREAKING: Brown University Announces Major Investment in Akron Regional Tech Hub

BREAKING: Brown University Announces Major Investment in Akron Regional Tech Hub


WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) announced that Akron has been selected as one of 12 national tech hubs in the country, beating out nearly 500 other cities, bringing a major new investment of $51 million to support the Akron Sustainable Polymers Tech Hub. This investment positions the region to lead the development and manufacturing of next-generation rubber and plastics. These materials are critical to nearly every industrial sector and enable innovation in other fields such as sustainability, aerospace, automotive, healthcare and semiconductors. This investment will create high-paying jobs in the polymer industry, support new training opportunities and provide students at local universities with the chance to work in cutting-edge fields.

The Regional Technology Innovation Hubs (Tech Hubs) program was established as part of Brown's bipartisan CHIPS Act to bring together businesses, state and local governments, higher education institutions, labor unions and nonprofits to strengthen American leadership in the industries of the future, create jobs and drive economic growth. Brown helped draft the CHIPS and SCIENCE Act with cities like Akron in mind. After nearly 500 applications were submitted for Commerce Department review in the first round of the Tech Hub competition, Akron was selected as one of 31 finalists from across the country eligible to compete for additional federal assistance. This week, Akron was selected as one of 12 hubs to receive this fully funded investment. Brown supported Akron's application through every stage of the two-year competitive application process.

“This is a huge win for Akron. Akron beat out nearly 500 applicants from around the country because no one is more committed to manufacturing than Ohio workers,” Brown said. “We worked with local leaders and the business community to highlight Akron's manufacturing history and leadership and lobby the administration to make this happen. This investment will position Northeast Ohio to lead the next generation of rubber and plastics production, creating local jobs, growing local businesses and expanding opportunity in Akron for decades to come.”

With more than 150 polymer-related manufacturing companies in the Akron MSA alone and more than 500 across Northeast Ohio, this award strengthens the foothold Greater Akron has as a home for sustainable polymer research, innovation and collaboration. “This new investment will continue to attract businesses and talent and foster the growth and development of the industry's latest innovations,” said Steve Millard, president and CEO of the Greater Akron Chamber of Commerce. Selection for this award would not have been possible without the support, investment, engagement and work of hundreds of for-profit industry leaders, non-profit economic development partners, and local, state and federal appointed and elected officials. Collaboration is a defining feature of the Polymer Industry Cluster and permeates this entire achievement.

The Tech Hub Program was created by BrownsCHIPS Act to foster regional technology growth by strengthening the region's manufacturing, commercialization and deployment capacity for critical technologies, and Brown urged the Department of Commerce to select the Ohio project. Through investments in communities like Summit County, the Tech Hub Program brings together public, private and academic partners to foster regional growth in future industries and help strengthen the U.S. economy and national security. Akron's hub brings together the Greater Akron Chamber of Commerce, University of Akron, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company and other stakeholders in Summit County to create jobs, support the growth of local businesses and develop the polymers of the future, continuing the state's leadership in manufacturing and innovation.

For more than a decade, Brown has supported investments in polymer research at the University of Akron. In July, Brown fought to include an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act designating rubber as a critical material, allowing the Department of Defense to take steps to address research and development to increase the domestic supply of natural rubber. In 2022, Brown announced two National Science Foundation grants totaling nearly $1 million to the University of Akron for polymer research. And as part of last year's government funding bill, Brown partnered with Rep. Emilia Sykes to award an additional $1.05 million to the University of Akron for continued polymer research.





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