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Apple adds Google Gemini to iOS, making iPhones even more useful

Apple adds Google Gemini to iOS, making iPhones even more useful


Screenshot by Nina Raemont

Unless you've been asleep for the past year, you know that AI is on the radar of every technology company in the world: Google, Samsung, Microsoft, Opera, and others are integrating AI into their products.

Not surprisingly, Apple got off to a slow start with this controversial technology and is now struggling to catch up.

Apple has already announced that ChatGPT will be part of Apple Intelligence, and rumors have circulated for months that it might do the same for Google's Gemini and Anthropic's Claude. Apple has been in talks with Google about adding Gemini to iOS since at least March, and Apple will likely announce its choice this fall when Apple Intelligence arrives in beta.

Plus: What you need to know about Apple's AI features on iPhone, Mac, and iPad

Why is the addition of Gemini a good thing? Let's explain from an Android user's perspective.

From my experience, it's all about interaction: Of course, Google Assistant and Siri allow you to interact with your phone, but Gemini takes this a few steps further thanks to context awareness.

Gemini can dig deeper into subjects than Google Assistant can. Instead of having Google Assistant open an online article, Gemini can convey the same information through conversation. Not only is this more efficient, but it also helps you avoid visiting websites that are so riddled with ads that your default mobile browser becomes useless and makes the page unreadable. Having a conversation is much better than plowing through an ad-filled website that doesn't display properly in a mobile browser.

Additionally, Gemini can work with other applications like Gmail, Google Keep, etc. Such integrations allow it to do much more than traditional assistant tech can, digging deeper rather than being limited to a single interaction.

For example, Google Assistant can show you a list of flights for your upcoming vacation, while Gemini lets you plan your entire trip, including flights, hotels, and activities.

Since switching from Google Assistant to Gemini, I've found the latter to be much more useful. In fact, when Google Assistant was the default, I barely used it. With Gemini, I access my digital assistant much more often.

Also, What is Gemini? Everything you need to know about Google's new AI model

I think iOS and MacOS users will feel the same way about Apple Intelligence. With a more interactive assistant, Apple device owners will find the technology a help, not a hindrance. In fact, if Apple users are like me, their reaction will be something along the lines of “this is what Siri should have been like all along.”

Android Police has also reported on possible new paid tiers for Apple Intelligence, along with the possible addition of Google Gemini. The article states that this could be a “long-term plan,” which leads me to believe that Apple may roll out Apple Intelligence for free to all users, but eventually start adding paid features.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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