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Senator Baldwin: Building a tech hub in Wisconsin, injecting $49 million into growing the biohealth economy and creating jobs

Senator Baldwin: Building a tech hub in Wisconsin, injecting $49 million into growing the biohealth economy and creating jobs


Baldwin fought tooth and nail to get Wisconsin designated as a Biohealth Technology Hub under the CHIPS and Science Act.

The tech hub is projected to bring more than 30,000 jobs and $9 billion in economic development to Wisconsin in its first decade.

WISCONSIN – Today, Senator Tammy Baldwin announced that Wisconsin has officially been selected as a Tech Hub and will receive $49 million for the growth of the state’s personalized medicine and biohealth sector to advance research and innovation, grow the economy and create jobs, and increase U.S. competitiveness in cutting-edge industries. This coveted designation will enable a consortium of 15 public and private partners in Wisconsin to accelerate research and expand lab space, increase coordination and collaboration, invest in workforce development and collaboration, improve access to capital to start and grow businesses, and further build the personalized medicine and biohealth technology sector. Personalized medicine is a medical approach that tailors prevention and treatment to each patient’s individual characteristics, including using genetic makeup, medical history, and environmental and lifestyle information to improve patient outcomes.

“Today's announcement validates what we have long known as Wisconsinites: that Wisconsin has world-class universities, an unmatched workforce, and a vibrant private sector that will drive the next wave of American innovation. Without a doubt, this investment in the Badger State will create and support thousands of good-paying jobs, grow our made-in-Wisconsin economy, and transform health care as we know it, ensuring people get the care they need sooner and more quickly,” said Senator Baldwin. “Today's announcement recognizes our state's rich history of innovation and manufacturing and doubles down on our state's potential to be a major player in the next chapter of emerging industries.”

“From Microsoft's $3.3 billion investment in an AI data center in Mount Pleasant to Thermo Fisher Scientific's $58 million expansion in Middleton, Wisconsin is positioning itself as a national leader in innovative industries as we work to build the economy we need to meet the demands of the 21st century,” said Gov. Tony Evers. “I thank President Biden, Sen. Tammy Baldwin and our federal partners for seeing the potential and promise of Wisconsin's biotech industry and working tirelessly to help secure these critical investments to accelerate research, grow our workforce and economy, and continue building a multi-billion-dollar industry that supports tens of thousands of jobs across our state.”

“This Phase 2 award is a pivotal opportunity for Wisconsin to demonstrate the breadth of our biohealth industry and the strength of our manufacturing capabilities across the state,” said Lisa Johnson, CEO of BioForward Wisconsin. “Wisconsin excels in both innovation and execution, and this EDA tech hub initiative will enable us to contribute significantly to EDA's goals of strengthening our economy and national security and remaining globally competitive.”

“Today's announcement is a win for Wisconsin,” said Missy Hughes, executive director and CEO of WEDC. “This award recognizes the groundbreaking potential that collaboration between Madison and Milwaukee, our educational institutions, our startup and advanced manufacturing leaders, and our world-class healthcare providers can bring to Wisconsinites and the future of patient care around the world. We are grateful to the EDA and Senator Baldwin, and the consortium WEDC has formed will now have the resources to continue its important work.”

Over the first 10 years, the Tech Hub designation is projected to create more than 30,000 jobs in the personalized healthcare field and more than 111,000 indirect jobs attributable to the Wisconsin Tech Hub. Additionally, the Tech Hub is projected to generate $9 billion worth of economic development for Wisconsin over its first 10 years.

Today, Wisconsin became one of 12 tech hub applicants awarded a Phase 2 Implementation Grant under the U.S. Economic Development Administration's (EDA) Regional Technology Innovation Hub (Tech Hub) Program. To apply for this funding, projects must first win a Phase 1 Planning Grant, and Wisconsin is one of 31 projects selected for this grant in October 2023. This competitive program received more than 370 applications from 49 states and four territories.

As a member of the Commerce Committee, Senator Baldwin helped write and craft the Tech Hub Program in CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 and has advocated for the Wisconsin Tech Hub every step of the way, promoting investment in the Badger State's growing personalized medicine and biohealth technology industry. Senator Baldwin has supported Wisconsin's application to be selected as a Tech Hub by:

January 2022: Senator Baldwin votes to pass the CHIPS and Science Bill, successfully including $500 million for a Tech Hub Program to help the United States develop new technologies, create jobs, and expand innovation. The provision is modeled on a Brookings Institution report that identified Wisconsin as a top candidate for a regional hub. March 2023: In a letter to the EDA, Senator Baldwin urges the Department of Commerce to select Wisconsin for one of the tech hubs. August 2023: Senator Baldwin advocates for Wisconsin to apply for the Tech Hub Program, highlighting its potential to be at the forefront in the fields of biotechnology and personalized medicine. Senator Baldwin also hosted events in Madison and Milwaukee calling on the Biden Administration to attract a tech hub to the Badger State. September 2023: Senator Baldwin again urged the Biden Administration to select Wisconsin for a planning grant to advance a Bio Health Tech Hub. October 2023: Senator Baldwin announced that Wisconsin has been selected as one of 31 Tech Hubs nationwide and awarded a $350,000 planning grant to implement a Bio Health Tech Hub strategy. This will move Wisconsin into Phase II to compete for an implementation grant, awarded today. Senator Baldwin also rallied support from local and state partners to demonstrate Wisconsin's commitment to bringing a Tech Hub to the state. February 2024: Senator Baldwin urged the Biden Administration to support the Wisconsin Bio Health Tech Hub's application for state implementation funding. June 2024: Senator Baldwin met privately with U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo to make a final recommendation for Wisconsin to be selected for implementation of a Bio Health Tech Hub.

Members of the Wisconsin BioHealth Tech Hub Consortium include Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), University of Wisconsin System Administration, University of Wisconsin-Madison, GE Healthcare, Rockwell Automation, Exact Sciences Corporation, BioForward Wisconsin, Employ Milwaukee, Accuray, Plexus, WRTP Big Step, Milwaukee Area Technical College, Madison Area Technical College, Madison Regional Economic Partnership (MadREP) and Milwaukee7.

More information on EDA’s Tech Hub program can be found here.




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