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Google might abandon ChromeOS Flex: Here's why and what to do about it

Google might abandon ChromeOS Flex: Here's why and what to do about it


Vladimir Sukachev/Getty Images

It felt like a minor miracle when I breathed new life into three old computers with ChromeOS Flex in early 2022. By providing a lightweight, secure, and manageable operating system for older x86 systems, ChromeOS Flex transformed old hardware gathering dust in the closet into modern, efficient devices.

ChromeOS Flex is an environmentally conscious choice as it extends the life of older hardware and helps reduce e-waste.

Plus: I revived three old computers with ChromeOS Flex. So can you?

Unfortunately, recent developments suggest the possible demise of ChromeOS Flex. As detailed in a June 12 blog post by Prajakta Gudadhe, senior director of ChromeOS engineering, and Alexander Kuscher, senior director of ChromeOS product management, Google's announcement that ChromeOS will merge with Android to enhance AI capabilities suggests that Flex may not be part of this future.

Google's plans, as detailed, suggest that ChromeOS Flex will be phased out over time, potentially putting current users in a difficult position. If Google were to open-source ChromeOS Flex, the ChromiumOS community surrounding it may try to adapt to these changes, but this is not guaranteed. In the meantime, users are encouraged to explore alternatives, such as various Linux distributions, to keep their old hardware functioning.

History of ChromeOS Flex and Android

The origins of ChromeOS Flex date back to Google's acquisition of UK-based Neverware in 2020. Neverware's CloudReady, which preceded ChromeOS Flex, was designed to extend the usability of older hardware.

The main issue with x86-based ChromeOS Flex is that unlike the regular ChromeOS product that runs on (mostly) ARM-based devices, it does not support Android apps. The ability to run Android apps on ChromeOS, introduced in 2016, was a huge improvement as it gave you access to the entire Google Play Store. This was achieved by embedding the Android framework and dependencies directly into ChromeOS. Unfortunately, this integration of the Google Play Store and runtime environment does not extend to ChromeOS Flex, severely limiting its appeal and capabilities.

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Despite these challenges, all Chromebooks shipped since 2019, including x86-based models, support Android applications through ARM emulation. While this workaround gives new Chromebooks access to Android's rich ecosystem, it doesn't address the limitations faced by ChromeOS Flex.

Additionally, while Google supports an x86 port of Chromium OS, it does not support an x86 port of Android, the community-sponsored “Android-x86” project. Android-x86's current development branch, version 10, is several versions behind the latest version, Android 14 (version 15 is scheduled for release in August 2024), and the public repository does not appear to have any recent commits from the past year.

For ChromeOS Flex to take full advantage of Android integration and be successful in the future, it is important that Google officially supports Android on the x86 platform and includes the necessary Android components in the open source project Chromium OS. Currently, there is no public roadmap for ChromeOS Flex that reflects these potential changes.

Also, considering switching to Linux? 10 things you should know

The discontinuation of ChromeOS Flex would be a huge disappointment given its role in contributing to environmental sustainability and breathing new life into aging hardware, thereby extending the life of older computers and reducing e-waste.

ChromeOS Flex is free for personal use but is commercially supported and licensed, so if it is discontinued it will be announced along with a transition plan.

Alternative solution: lightweight Linux distributions

For users currently looking for alternatives, there are a few lightweight Linux distributions worth considering: According to Jack Wallen of ZDNET, the best options for preserving your old computer are:

Bodhi Linux: Created for high-performance desktop users, Bodhi Linux uses its own Moksha desktop environment, which is similar to Enlightenment (E Window Manager). It requires minimal system resources, making it ideal for older hardware.

Linux Lite: Extremely user-friendly, highly customizable, and fast, Linux Lite uses a custom, resource-optimized Xfce desktop environment. It comes with pre-installed software like Chrome, Thunderbird, and LibreOffice, providing a familiar interface for new users.

Puppy Linux: Best used as a live distribution, Puppy Linux is small, fast and runs entirely in RAM. It includes apps like Palemoon, ClawsMail, AbiWord and Gnumeric, but is better suited for users with some Linux experience.

Tiny Core Linux: Tiny Core Linux is very small and efficient. It is suitable for experienced users as it requires manual installation of applications and configuration of the desktop environment.

LXLE Linux: LXLE is built on the latest version of Ubuntu and uses the LXDE desktop environment. It's easy to install and use, includes apps like LibreOffice and ClawsMail, and is a great way to revive old hardware.

Of course, it would be remiss if I didn't include a few of my own favorites.

Linux Mint 21.3 XFCE Edition: Mint is one of the most popular and well-supported general-purpose Linux distributions, and the XFCE environment provides better resource utilization and faster response times even on legacy hardware.

Lubuntu: Based on the popular Ubuntu Linux distribution, Lubuntu is optimized for older hardware and uses the fast LXQt desktop environment.




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