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Google Search ranks AI spam above original reporting in news search results

Google Search ranks AI spam above original reporting in news search results


For example, a search for competing visions, Google, and OpenAI brought up a TechCrunch article at the top of Google News. Below that were articles from The Atlantic and Bloomberg comparing the rival companies' approaches to AI development. But the fourth-placed article for that search, just below these more reputable websites, was another Syrus #Blog article that heavily copied the #1 TechCrunch article.

As 404 Media reported in January, earlier this year, Google News search results showed AI-powered articles multiple times for basic queries. Two months later, Google announced major algorithm changes and new spam policies in an attempt to improve search results. And by the end of April, Google announced it had completed major tweaks to remove unhelpful results from its search engine ranking system. As of April 19, the rollout of these changes was complete. “We expect a 45 percent reduction in low-quality, unoriginal content appearing in search results, compared to the 40 percent improvement we expected from this work,” Elizabeth Tucker, director of product management at Google, wrote in a blog post.

Despite these changes, spam content created with the help of AI remains a pervasive problem for Google News.

It's a very prevalent issue on Google right now, and it's hard to give a specific answer as to why it's happening, says Lily Ray, senior director of search engine optimization at marketing firm Amsive. “We've had clients say they've had AI rehashes of our articles, which look exactly like what they wrote in the original content, but it's like an AI-rewritten, gibberish version,” some clients say.

At first glance, it was clear that some of the images on Syrus' blog were AI-generated based on illustrations: droopy eyes and other deformed physical features are clear signs of an AI attempting to represent the human body.

So, was the text of our article rewritten using AI? We contacted the blog's creator to ask for more details about how it was created, and received confirmation by email that an Italian marketing agency created the blog. They claim that they used AI tools as part of the writing process. Regarding concerns about plagiarism, “Our content creation process includes AI tools that analyze and synthesize information from different sources, and we guarantee that we always respect intellectual property,” wrote someone going by the name Daniele Syrus in an email.

They point out that a single hyperlink at the bottom of the plagiarized article is sufficient attribution. While better than nothing, a link that doesn't even mention the publication's name is not a sufficient defense against plagiarism. The person also claims that the website's purpose is not to get more clicks from Google's search engine, but to test AI algorithms in multiple languages.

Asked for response by email, Google declined to comment on Syrus. “While we don't comment on specific websites, our updated spam policies prohibit sites from mass-producing low-value, unoriginal content in an attempt to rank highly on Google,” said Megan Farnsworth, a Google spokesperson. The company takes action against sites around the world that don't follow its policies. (Farnsworth is a former WIRED writer.)




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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