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SC Nexus Tech Hub, Clemson University Win Federal Funding for eGRID Upgrade

SC Nexus Tech Hub, Clemson University Win Federal Funding for eGRID Upgrade


July 2, 2024July 2, 2024

Thanks to a $12.5 million investment from the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration (EDA) announced today, Clemson University will expand its power grid simulator to enable the rapid testing and deployment of new energy innovations.

The investment is part of a $45.4 million grant to SC Nexus for Advanced Resilient Energy (SC Nexus), a broad consortium of higher education institutions, technical colleges, numerous state agencies, Savannah River National Laboratory, economic development alliances, community organizations, nonprofits and private companies, including utilities. SC Nexus is led by the South Carolina Department of Commerce, and Clemson University is a core member.

“We are thrilled that the U.S. Department of Commerce's Office of Economic Development has selected Clemson University to be part of the SC Nexus and invest critical resources that will further strengthen our nation's advanced energy sector,” said Chancellor Jim Clements. “The work we are doing is changing lives in South Carolina and beyond, but there is much more to be done. We are pleased to continue our partnership with the South Carolina Department of Commerce and the key members of this consortium, and look forward to this partnership further enhancing lives in our local community.”

EDA has awarded implementation grants to 12 tech hubs, including SC Nexus, with the goal of expanding production of critical technologies, creating jobs in innovative industries, strengthening U.S. economic competitiveness and national security, and accelerating the growth of future industries in regions across the country.

Duke Energy eGRID Facility at Clemson University

“This expansion will make the Duke Energy eGRID (Electric Grid Research Innovation Development) Facility at Clemson the preeminent facility of its kind and help position South Carolina and Clemson University as a leader in energy technologies. The facility will directly support the research and development activities of South Carolina's private companies and enable them to train their employees in real-world scenarios using advanced equipment.”

The upgrade, called the Economic Development through Grid Emulation (EDGE) Project, will mobilize the eGRID facility based at Clemson University’s Charleston Innovation Campus to bring its world-class grid simulation capabilities to the entire state of South Carolina.

Duke Energy eGRID can test new inverters, converters, generators, energy storage systems and other elements to evaluate the performance and resilience of a live grid used to distribute energy at commercial scale. It can simulate any power grid in the world. EDA's investments in new technology make eGRID mobile and configurable, enabling testing of components with higher power ratings. The EDGE project will increase the facility's power rating from 15 MW to 25 MW. This will enable rigorous lifecycle and compliance testing of distributed energy resources, protecting the U.S. power grid and spurring the development of new cybersecurity grid-resilient technologies.

Cez Atamturkar Luscher, distinguished professor of mechanical engineering and principal investigator on the EDGE project, said the expanded capacity will attract investment into South Carolina's energy economy.

EDGE will enable the certification of high-power grid component technologies according to international standards, facilitate the development of new optimization techniques, control algorithms, safety protocols and microgrid management strategies for cyber security and a reliable grid, enable testing and commissioning at fixed asset customer sites throughout the Hub region, and attract entrepreneurs and technology companies to the Hub region, driving investment and economic momentum and creating new growth opportunities for local supply chains, Russcher said.

In addition to the eGRID funding, other SC Nexus projects receiving funding include:

Grid-Enabled Cyber ​​Operations Range project, led by Savannah River National Laboratory, $9,995,816. This project will install a cyber test range for grid-connected equipment, providing both training and equipment testing benefits for grid operators; Carolina Battery Innovation Institute (CIBI) project, led by the University of South Carolina, $10,218,140. This project will install a stationary battery manufacturing pilot line in Columbia; Education and Workforce Center project, led by the South Carolina Technical University System, $12,637,190. This project will increase awareness of energy-related industries and job opportunities in South Carolina, identify and develop the skills needed to succeed in these roles, and provide critical support services to help advanced energy workers access these opportunities. Want to discuss? Contact us and we’ll connect you with authors or other experts.

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