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AI energy demands cause Google emissions to increase nearly 50% in 5 years | Google

AI energy demands cause Google emissions to increase nearly 50% in 5 years | Google


Google's climate footprint reduction targets are under threat as it becomes increasingly reliant on energy-guzzling data centers to power its new artificial intelligence products, with the tech giant revealing on Tuesday that its greenhouse gas emissions have increased 48% over the past five years.

Google said electricity consumption by its data centers and supply chain emissions were the main drivers of the increase. The company also revealed in its annual environmental report that its emissions for 2023 will increase 13% from the previous year, to 14.3 million tonnes.

The technology company, which is investing heavily in AI, said the highly ambitious goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2030 will not be easy. Major uncertainties surrounding reaching the target include uncertainty about the future environmental impact of AI, which it said is complex and difficult to predict.

Google's emissions have increased by almost 50% since 2019, the base year for its net-zero goal, which requires it to remove as much carbon dioxide as it emits.

The International Energy Agency predicts that total electricity consumption by data centers will double to 1,000 TWh (terawatt-hours) between 2022 and 2026, roughly the same as Japan's electricity demand. Research firm Semianalysis calculates that the adoption of AI will drive data centers to consume 4.5% of global energy production by 2030.

Data centers play a key role in training and running the models that underpin AI models like Google's Gemini and OpenAI's GPT-4, which powers the ChatGPT chatbot. Microsoft acknowledged this year that energy use associated with data centers was jeopardizing its ambitious goal of becoming carbon negative by 2030. Microsoft President Brad Smith acknowledged in May that the company's AI strategy had moved the moon.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said last week that AI could help fight the climate crisis because big tech companies are serious about paying extra to use clean electricity sources to show they are using green energy.

Big tech companies have become major buyers of renewable energy to meet climate targets.

But the pledge to reduce CO2 emissions is running up against promises of heavy investment in AI products, which require significant energy to train and deploy in data centers, and the carbon emissions associated with manufacturing and transporting the computer servers and chips used in the process. Water use is another environmental driver of the AI ​​boom, with one study estimating that AI could account for up to 6.6 billion cubic meters of water use by 2027, or nearly two-thirds of England's annual consumption.




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