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The Nevada Tech Hub, led by the University of Nevada, Reno, won a $21 million grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration.

The Nevada Tech Hub, led by the University of Nevada, Reno, won a $21 million grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration.


The U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) today announced that the Nevada Lithium Battery and Other EV Materials Loop (Nevada Tech Hub), a statewide initiative led by the University of Nevada, Reno, will be awarded approximately $21 million to lead efforts to strengthen the U.S. lithium battery, critical components, and other electric vehicle materials industry sector in the state.

U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen made the remarks at a press conference announcing EDA funding for Dragonfly Energy.

“Northern Nevada has the potential to lead the world in battery and electric vehicle innovation, with the University of Nevada, Reno leading the way,” said Senator Jacky Rosen. “That's why I'm proud to have helped secure Lithium Loop tech hub designation and worked with Chancellor Sandoval to secure millions of dollars in funding. I'm proud that these efforts have paid off and our state will receive nearly $21 million that will incentivize innovation, create new economic opportunities and transform Nevada's economy by creating thousands of good-paying jobs in the lithium supply chain.”

In October 2023, the Nevada Tech Hub was selected as one of 31 designated tech hubs across the nation as part of Phase 1 of the New Tech Hubs program, a flagship initiative aimed at advancing U.S. leadership in critical technologies and industries.

Senator Rosen (left) and Secretary of State Raimondo (center) toured Dragonfly Energy's battery production facility during a press conference.

“Thanks to the strong leadership of President Biden in the White House, Senator Rosen in the Senate and many others, we have embarked on a mission to identify and strengthen existing areas of talent so they can become world-class leaders in technology manufacturing and delivery,” said U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo. “By bringing together businesses, startups, schools and workforce development organizations, the Nevada Tech Hub, based in Reno, will help make the region a global lithium leader while spurring economic development and opportunity in Northern Nevada and creating new, high-paying jobs.”

Nevada Tech Hub is one of 12 designated agencies selected for implementation funding. The grant will support two projects: the Nevada Native American Center and a workforce development component project. Final grant amounts will be finalized in the coming months. The University Economic Development Center within the College of Business will be the lead agency for the funds awarded by EDA.

“We are honored to receive this elite designation and funding from the EDA to position our institution as a global leader in energy technology,” said university President Brian Sandoval. “With the funding we received from the EDA today, combined with generous funding from the Nevada Legislature's Interim Finance Committee, we will invest in targeted, aggressive business creation, attraction, retention and expansion efforts designed to fill identified gaps in this emerging industry sector across our state. I want to thank Senators Jacky Rosen, Cortez Masto, Governor Joe Lombardo and the Nevada Legislature's Interim Finance Committee for their leadership and continued support of the Tech Hub initiative, which will create a generational shift in Nevada's economic future.”

The Nevada Native American Center, coordinated by the University Office of Nevada Native American Relations, will provide a national model through direct input and consultation with tribal communities to address workforce barriers and inequities while providing career pathway opportunities for Nevada's Native American, tribal and Indigenous peoples in the lithium battery and electric vehicle materials industries. The Nevada Native American Center project is the only EDA award project focused on Native American and Indigenous education and workforce development.

The Workforce Development Component project will be coordinated by the Governor's Office of Workforce Innovation and will develop, strengthen and support a skilled workforce to meet the dynamic employment needs of the lithium battery, critical components and other electric vehicle materials industry sectors. The project plans to impact 50,000 workers over the five-year life of the grant, with an emphasis on reaching English language learners and workers in correctional facilities.

“This funding is critical to the development of lithium battery and electric vehicle technology in Nevada, while also advancing America's energy future,” said Governor Joe Lombard. “I look forward to seeing the innovation and advancements being made at the University of Nevada, Reno Tech Hub as a result of this funding.”

The Tech Hub Program was authorized by the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act, which President Joe Biden signed into law in August 2022. The act authorized a $10 billion budget for the program over five years. To date, EDA has allocated $541 million to the program.




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