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Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce celebrates major federal investment in NY SMART I-Corridor tech hub

Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce celebrates major federal investment in NY SMART I-Corridor tech hub


$40 million in federal grant funding to boost semiconductor research, manufacturing and workforce development in the Buffalo-Rochester-Syracuse region

The Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that the New York Semiconductor Manufacturing Research and Innovation Corridor (NY SMART I-Corridor) has been awarded a $40 million federal grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce Regional Innovation Hubs program. This significant investment will support advancements in semiconductor research, manufacturing and workforce development throughout the Buffalo-Rochester-Syracuse Corridor.

Established by the CHIPS and Science Act, the Regional Tech Innovation Hubs program began with nearly 400 regional applications from across the United States. After a rigorous selection process, the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration (EDA) designated 31 regions as Tech Hubs in October 2023. These regions were chosen based on their potential to drive innovation, workforce development, and economic growth in key industries. Following this initial designation, the competition was further narrowed and only 12 of these Tech Hubs were awarded Implementation Grants in 2024, with each hub receiving up to $51 million to accelerate their plans and solidify their leadership in cutting-edge industries. The NY SMART I-Corridor Tech Hub, which includes Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse, was one of these elite 12 awardees and secured $40 million in federal funding to enhance semiconductor research, manufacturing, and workforce initiatives.

In 10 years, the NY SMART I-Corridor tech hub is expected to produce 25% of all semiconductors manufactured in the United States, making the Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse region a major player in the global semiconductor industry. Producing large volumes of chips domestically will strengthen national security by reducing reliance on foreign suppliers, ensuring the United States has a steady and secure supply of semiconductors critical to everything from consumer electronics to advanced military systems.

Key highlights of the NY SMART I-Corridor Tech Hub include:

Workforce Development: Led by Monroe Community College, this initiative will expand internship and apprenticeship opportunities, establish programs connecting industry partners with semiconductor supply chain companies, and create employer-led training initiatives. The STEP UP (Semiconductor Workforce and Employer Partnerships in Upstate New York) program will focus on training workers for mid-skill, high-skill, and construction jobs to address critical gaps in the semiconductor workforce. Strengthening the Supply Chain: Led by the University at Buffalo, this component aims to expand the capacity of the region's manufacturing extension partnerships, increase visibility of new opportunities, and help companies access capital, so that local companies can integrate into the semiconductor supply chain and leverage their existing manufacturing strengths. Supporting Commercialization: Led by Syracuse University, this project will align key commercialization assets and facilities across academia, government, and industry to ensure startups, small businesses, and minority-owned businesses have access to resources critical to semiconductor-related innovation and entrepreneurship.

The Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce expresses its deep gratitude to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for his leadership and efforts in creating the Tech Hub program through CHIPS & Science Law. Senator Schumer's vision and tireless work have established upstate New York as the semiconductor center of the world, attracting federal and private investment that has transformed our region's economy.

We also extend our sincere gratitude to President Joe Biden for his visionary leadership and support of the CHIPS and SCIENCE Act, which authorized this transformative Tech Hub program. This investment aligns with the President's Invest in America plan to bring innovation and economic development to underinvested regions and create good-paying jobs in critical industries. Read the release from the White House:

We commend Governor Kathy Hawkle for her unwavering commitment to building a 21st century economy in New York State. Governor Hawkle's strategic leadership and state support were instrumental in securing this federal grant, stimulating the growth of the semiconductor industry, and ensuring equitable workforce development. Read Governor Kathy Hawkle's announcement:

Finally, I want to thank Congressman Morrell, Senator Gillibrand, Joe Stefko of ROC2025, and all of our economic development and workforce partners in Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse for all their hard work over the past few years to make this vision a reality.

“Receiving the Regional Tech Hub Award marks a major milestone for our region. This recognition highlights our region's commitment to innovation and positions us for unprecedented growth and opportunity. We are deeply grateful to Senator Schumer and Representative Morrell for their visionary leadership. Having a Senate Majority Leader from New York is an incredible strength that brings national attention and resources to our state. Senator Schumer and Representative Morrell's unwavering support plays a critical role in advancing our region's tech community, and this award is a testament to their dedication to advancing technological advancement in our region,” said Bob Duffy, President and CEO of the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce.




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