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Balancing Innovation and Safety: Inside the NIST AI Safety Institute

Balancing Innovation and Safety: Inside the NIST AI Safety Institute


In February, the National Institute of Standards and Technology established the AI ​​Safety Laboratory to establish guidelines for assessing and testing the safety and risks of artificial intelligence models.

The institute, led by Elizabeth Kelly, is working on ways to understand the risks and impacts of generative AI and was established in response to the Biden administration's executive order on AI, which Kelly helped draft.

She presented an update on the institute's activities during a panel discussion at the AWS Summit in Washington, D.C., on June 26, which was attended by industry and potential partners from Amazon Web Services and government technology practitioners.

“Our mission is to advance the science of AI safety while also advancing the implementation and adoption of that science,” she said.

Regardless of whether the institute's work leads to regulations or guidelines, Kelly said its goal isn't to slow the use and adoption of generative AI. The institute simply wants to see the technology advance through standards and guidance, she said.

The Biden Administration firmly believes that security breeds trust, trust breeds adoption, and adoption breeds innovation, Kelly said.

As he has said in previous remarks, Kelly outlined three pillars of the institute's work:

Test Development Guidance Development Tools

In the area of ​​testing, Kelly said the lab is directly testing AI models, particularly so-called frontier models, which generate new knowledge or information for users.

This will be an entirely new capability for the U.S. government to directly test cutting-edge AI models and systems before they are deployed, she said.

Our first pilot project is exploring Workload Pause, an AI feature designed to pause a task and resume it later without losing progress or context. This is important for long-term task management, adaptability to changing conditions, and safety checks.

Kelly said another priority area was balancing the beneficial potential of AI, such as in drug discovery, with harmful uses.

So we're looking at barriers to cyber attacks as well as the development of chemical and biological weapons, she said.

In the area of ​​guidance, the AI ​​Safety Institute addresses a range of topics, including how developers can plan for risk and security mitigations and prevent malicious use.

“We plan to publish an overview of tools and techniques that can help detect synthetic content and authenticate content,” Kelly said.

Synthetic content includes deepfakes, AI-generated images and videos, as well as artificially generated datasets used to train other AI models.

“Our goal here is to foster a strong ecosystem for third-party and internal evaluators and researchers who rely on our guidance so we can all work together for public safety,” she said.

The AI ​​Safety Research Institute is also working on basic technology research.

“We are looking at issues such as interoperability of AI models and research and development of new and improved risk mitigation strategies,” she said.

The institute recognizes that AI is evolving rapidly.

“Our work needs to be iterative and adaptive. We can't just issue guidance and walk away,” Kelly said. “We want to have a cycle of research, guidance, and real-world use where we inform each other and continually adapt and iterate.”




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