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Gonzaga University Continues Pursuit of Inland Northwest Tech Hub

Gonzaga University Continues Pursuit of Inland Northwest Tech Hub


July 2, 2024


Gonzaga University News Service

On July 2, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) announced an initial funding round of implementation grants for 12 leading tech hubs across the United States.

The American Aerospace Materials Manufacturing Center (AAMMC), based in Spokane and Coeur d'Alene, was not included in this first round of funding, but has received word of continued interest and potential funding from the Commerce Department, highlighted by an announcement of a visit from Commerce Under Secretary for Economic Development Alejandra Castillo.

Gonzaga University affirmed its ongoing commitment to working with its consortium partners to accelerate this important effort to strengthen the region's economy and advance national security. University officials expressed appreciation for Washington's congressional delegation and the EDA's continued commitment to fully fund designated technology hubs, including AAMMC.

“The American Aerospace Materials Manufacturing Center's designation as one of only 31 regional innovation hubs last October represents national recognition of the Spokane-Coeur d'Alene region's institutional, educational, civic, business and cultural resources,” said Gonzaga University President Thane McCullough.

“It was clear from the beginning that this would be a highly competitive process, and it's also clear that our proposal is critical to America's future competitiveness in commercial aviation and aerospace. We will continue to partner with regional and national leaders to realize our vision of making this region a center of excellence for aerospace materials.”

With support from the U.S. Department of Commerce, EDA and local elected representatives, including Washington State Senators Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray, the AAMMC Tech Hub Consortium’s vision and plans will continue to serve the region as it pursues additional investment opportunities.

“The American Aerospace Materials Manufacturing Tech Hub in Washington state embodies the spirit and potential of the Tech Hubs program to transform centers of excellence into world-class technology ecosystems through targeted investments,” U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo said in a statement announcing Castillo's visit. “That's why I asked Under Secretary Castillo to lead a team to Washington to meet with leadership and provide technical assistance on strategies in the defense and aerospace markets. The Tech Hubs program is essential to ensuring that technology industries vital to our economy and national security start, take root, and grow in the United States. That's why I'm committed to future funding and working with lawmakers to support additional federal resources to support all designated companies.”

About AAMMC The American Aerospace Materials Manufacturing Center brings together education, workforce training, small and medium-sized industry partners, global aerospace leaders, and advanced research institutions. This collaboration expands knowledge and expertise in advanced composite materials and establishes the Inland Northwest as a hub for aerospace suppliers, private investment, new products, and companies in the U.S. aerospace supply chain.

Information about the Regional Technology Innovation Hub (Tech Hub) Programme

The Tech Hub Program was authorized by the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act, a key part of President Biden's Invest in America policy, and was signed into law by the President in August 2022. The act authorizes a program budget of $10 billion over five years. To date, EDA has allocated $541 million to the program. To ensure that all 31 designated Tech Hubs have the tools they need to compete globally, the Administration is committing the full resources of the Federal Government to identify and provide funding, technical assistance, and planning to 31 consortia.

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