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MDC Miami Tech Leads Workforce Development Component of South Florida ClimateReady Tech Hub

MDC Miami Tech Leads Workforce Development Component of South Florida ClimateReady Tech Hub


MIAMI, July 2, 2024 – Miami Tech Works, an industry-led technology sector initiative developed by Miami Dade College (MDC), will receive $6 million to manage the workforce development component of the South Florida Climate Ready Tech Hub, a Miami-Dade County-spearheaded initiative to accelerate technology and innovation-driven growth in the region by increasing manufacturing, commercialization and deployment capacity for key climate technologies. These funds are part of $19.5 million awarded to the Tech Hub by the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration (EDA) announced today.

“At Miami Dade College, we are committed to innovation and ways to support efforts that advance sustainable and resilient infrastructure, which is why we are proud that Miami Tech Works at Miami Dade College will be a recipient of these funds to support the South Florida ClimateReady Tech Hub with its engineering and construction training programs,” said MDC President Madeline Pumariega.

Miami Tech Works, a sector partnership initiative developed by Miami Dade College, will lead workforce development in the ClimateReady Tech Hub by partnering with various educational institutions to recruit, train and retain a diverse workforce through certification, training and comprehensive services. The ClimateReady Tech Hub is projected to create 23,000 new high-paying jobs over the next decade.

South Florida's ClimateReadyTech Hub is one of 12 tech hubs nationwide approved for implementation by the EDA. This major federal investment will galvanize climate innovation from public, private, academic, tribal and community partners, positioning South Florida as a leader in adaptation and mitigation technologies to withstand extreme weather, increased flooding and rising temperatures.

The EDA highlighted that South Florida’s application demonstrated leadership and potential to leverage the region’s assets, talent and technical expertise to become a world-class, globally competitive innovation center.

For more information, contact Miami Tech Works at [email protected].

About the South Florida ClimateReady Tech Hub

The ClimateReady Tech Hub is a consortium of local governments, businesses, universities, and organizations initially convened by the South Florida Regional Planning Council, with technical assistance support from the Kenneth C. Griffin, Citadel, and Knight Foundations. These organizations collectively represent the region's four counties and are combining diverse expertise, resources, and perspectives to build a world-leading climate tech ecosystem.

Key partners include Miami-Dade County (lead applicant), 1Print, AME Power, Beacon Council, Black & Veatch, Blue Frontier, Inc., Broward County, Carbon Limit, CareerSource, Catalyst Miami, Citadel and Citadel Securities, City of Miami, City of Miami Beach, City of Lake Worth Beach, CodePath, College of the Florida Keys, Denrgy, eMerge Americas, Endeavor Miami, Facade+Envelope, Florida Atlantic University, Florida International University, Florida Memorial University, Florida Power & Light, Friends of The Underline, Inc., Frost Museum of Science, Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance, Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, I Squared Capital, JLL, IUOE 487, Kenneth C. Griffin, Knight Foundation, Mangrove Contracting, Marine Research Hub, Maroon League, MasTec, Merrimac Ventures, Miami Tech Works, Miami Participants include Waterkeeper, Miami Dade College, Miami-Dade Authority for Innovation, Miccosukee Tribe, Mission One Capital, Monroe County, Museum of Discovery & Science, Northeastern University, Nova Southeastern University, OIC of South Florida, Ocean Exchange, Palm Beach County, Seaworthy Collective, ShoreLock, South Florida Defense Alliance, South Florida Regional Planning Council, Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact, Techstars, The Allapattah Collaborative CDC, The CLEO Institute, The Nature Conservancy, Titan, University of Florida, University of Miami, Venture Miami and Watsco. For more information, visit

About Miami Techworks

Miami Tech Works is a $10 million initiative funded by the Good Jobs Challenge and the Economic Development Authority (EDA). It is led by Miami Dade College, Florida International University, Florida Memorial University, South Florida OIC, Miami-Dade County, City of Miami, Miami-Dade Beacon Council, Lab22C, Refresh Miami, and CareerSource South Florida. In February 2023, Miami Tech Works launched the Talent Coalition. This industry-led partnership closes the gap between Miami employers and tech talent by creating a sustainable pipeline of skilled workers, accelerating tech career paths, and supporting the growth and vitality of the local tech talent pipeline. For more information, visit




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