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Aston Martin Valiant is a bespoke supercar for F1 star Fernando Alonso

Aston Martin Valiant is a bespoke supercar for F1 star Fernando Alonso


The ultra-luxury Aston Marine Valiant was launched one year after its Valeur sister model.

Aston Martin

What happens when Formula One ace and two-time world champion Fernando Alonso asks his employer, Aston Martin, to build him a new street car?

The answer is called the Valiant, and it's a track-focused but road-legal car built by Q, Aston Martin's fantastically named bespoke commissioning division.

It's the successor to the Valeurs that came out a year ago, and it's powered by the same 5.2-liter twin-turbo V12 engine – only here, power has been increased to 735 horsepower and weight has been slashed through the use of magnesium, titanium and 3D printing. The muscular body is made entirely from carbon fibre, and the styling is inspired by Aston Martin's 1980 Le Mans racer, which Aston Martin affectionately dubbed the “Muncher”.

Aston says it will build just 38 examples of the Valiant, which will be made available to the public by Alonso at next month's Goodwood Festival of Speed ​​in southern England.

This massive V12 engine is mated to a bespoke six-speed manual transmission – a rare find in any car these days, much less a track-oriented Aston supercar – and produces 482 ft-lbs of torque. Aston hasn't revealed 0-60 mph acceleration times or top speed, but we wouldn't be surprised to see them start in the three and two, respectively.

The car is powered by a V12 engine that drives the rear wheels through a manual transmission.

Aston Martin

Aston says the Valiant combines the rugged style and ferocious performance of the V12 engines of the past with cutting-edge modern engineering, lightweight materials and stunning design.

The Valiant comes standard with carbon-ceramic brakes, with massive 410mm rotors at the front and 360mm rotors on the rear axle. Aston says the use of 3D printing has saved 6.6 pounds from the rear subframe, while the use of magnesium torque tubes has reduced the car's center-of-body mass by approximately 19 pounds. The Valiant's 21-inch wheels are also made from magnesium, which is said to reduce unsprung mass by approximately 31 pounds. Additionally, a motorsport-spec lithium-ion battery is used for the car's auxiliary electrical system, saving 25 pounds.

According to the British automaker, the biggest difference between the Walpurgis and the new Valiant is its suspension. The car uses a motorsport-grade system called Multimatic Adaptive Spool Valve, which it claims can adjust each damper to one of 32 individual damper curves in under six milliseconds. Aston claims the system, which is derived from motorsport and not available on the general aftermarket, allows engineers to tune the ride and handling characteristics almost infinitely.

The two-seater interior features satin-finish carbon fiber details, a half cage and mounting points. [+] Racing Harness

Aston Martin

Aston Martin's director of vehicle performance, Simon Newton, said: “With Valiant, we've shifted our focus to dramatically improving track capability whilst remaining practical enough to be enjoyable on the road. All of this combines to give Valiant owners an incredible experience that they can't get in any other car.”

The rear end of the Valiant is most different from the Valar, thanks to a large fixed wing mounted above the upward-swinging Kammtail. At the rear, there's a fixed, one-piece clamshell opening that houses a hinged RealScreen panel, giving access to a storage area designed for a helmet and race suit.

Created with input from Formula 1 World Champion Fernando Alonso, the Variant is focused on the track but… [+] Can be driven on public roads.

Aston Martin

Also different from the Valeur, Aston says, is the new car's prominent exhaust system, with four titanium tailpipes protruding from the rear, designed for maximum visual impact, while the two-seater cockpit makes extensive use of exposed satin-finished carbon fibre, a unique steering wheel with slim-diameter rim, a half cage with anchor points for a four-point race harness and an H-pattern shifter for the manual transmission.

Aston Martin says deliveries of the first Valiant will begin in the fourth quarter of 2024. Naturally, Fernando Alonso will be the first to receive the car.




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